

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com


美国大学面试题其实并没有大家想象中的那么难,只要大家善于总结,就会发现其实有好多规律可循,我们只要把经常问到的问题归纳一下,事先做好充分地准备,就能够以不变应万变了。虽然每所美国大学的面试题都略有差异,但是在提问思路和回答思路上都是大同小异的。 每一位准备参加面试的申请者最关心的就是面试官会提出什么问题。

下面为大家带来去美国留学面试问题汇总。 Practice These 20 Questions Before You Interview for College The majority of college interviewers aren&apos&apost looking to trick you or put you on the spot。 The interview is a way for you and a representative from the college to get to know each other。 The interview helps you and the college figure out if you&apos&aposre a good match。 Try to relax and be yourself, and the interview should be a pleasant experience。

1。 Why do you want to go to college? This question is so broad and seemingly obvious that it can catch you by surprise。 Why college? Steer clear of materialistic responses ("I want to get a good job and make a lot of money")。 Instead, focus on what it is that you plan to study。 Chances are your particular career goals aren&apos&apost possible without a college education。 2。 What do you do best? There are lots of ways to ask this question, but the bottom line is that the interviewer wants you to identify what you see as your greatest talent。

There&apos&aposs nothing wrong with identifying something that isn&apos&apost central to your college application。 Even if you were first violin in the all-state orchestra or the starting quarterback, you can identify your best talent as making a mean cherry pie or carving animal figurines out of soap。 The interview can be an opportunity to show a side of yourself that isn&apos&apost obvious on the written application。 3。 What do you hope to do after graduation? Lots of high school students have no idea what they want to do in the future, and that&apos&aposs okay。

Still, you should formulate an answer to this question。 If you&apos&aposre not sure what your career goals are, say so, but provide a few possibilities。 4。 What did you do this summer? This is an easy question that an interviewer might use to get the conversation rolling。 The biggest danger here is if you haven&apos&apost done anything productive in the summer。 "I played a lot of video games" isn&apos&apost a good answer。 Even if you didn&apos&apost have a job or take classes, try to think of something you have done that was a learning experience。

5。 How do you define success? Here again you want to avoid sounding too materialistic。 Hopefully success means making a contribution to the world, not just your wallet。


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