
Suggested Cover Letter

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Thank You Letter Tips for Job Interviews]It's always important to say thank you after a job interview and after a second interview, as well. It's also important to thank everyone you interviewed with a...+阅读

March 21, 1995Mr. John Stone

Director of Marketing

ABC, Inc.

Madison, WI 53706

Dear Mr. Stone:

Opening: The first paragraph must spark the employer's interest. State your reason for writing, making sure to identify the position or type of work for which you are applying. I am writing to express my interest in... I will graduate from Brandeis University in May, 1995 with a B.A. in... Also, indicate how you heard about the opening...which was advertised in The Boston Globe... State why you are interested in working for this particular employer. The research position at ABC, Inc. is particularly interesting to me because...

Middle: The middle one or two paragraphs is your opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective employer. State your capacity to succeed in the specific field or position. My qualifications are based on a bination of... Emphasize your key qualifications. Tie in

pertinent information gained from your research about the position or anization.

Remember, your resume states what you he done; the cover letter must integrate this with what you he learned. Include a final sentence which summarizes the strength of your candidacy. These experiences demonstrate my ability to...


In this paragraph, state clearly what happens next. Provide the employer with additional information and again emphasize your career objective. Enclosed is my resume for your review... In most cases indicate that you will call the employer to arrange an interview. I will contact your office...to arrange an interview... Keep the initiative on your side.

Include contact information should your cover letter and resume bee separated. If you need additional information, please call me at... Thank you.


(4 Spaces)

(Remember to sign your name)

Shirley Hired


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