

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求高中开学的新颖自我介绍]嘿嘿 三楼的方法很值得一用啊!不过 呵呵 我可能不太会用的吧……因为这样……是否有些太……招惹?!呵呵 个人意见啦 因为要让同学一下子能记住不一定要很抢眼啊 要知道开学时互...+阅读

Good morning/after nood ladies n gentleman(或者说dear professors)。I suppose all of you know the singer Liu Huan, don't you?Right, the one who sings the song 'You and Me' in Olympic Games. I thank him for making my name be remembered easily. My name is XXX. The name is quite sepcial because it is combined by my father and mothers' surnames -- "Xiao and Liu".


have not thought to be a singer because I dream to be the stewardess. the azure sky, the erratic clouds, the feeling of soaring in the air, and the kind smile and graceful carriage of the stewardess have grasped my heart. In my opinion, stewardess is a career which deserves others' respect, due to her oblidging selfnessless and optimistic attitude in serving people. I really love this job, and I believe i can do it.



高中开学怎么自我介绍我叫xx,今年18岁,爱好是听歌和看电影,这或许和大多数同龄人的爱好相同,但或许的只是爱好,我认为我比周围的同龄人更加会用心做事,用心对待自己想要到达的目标。 我没有帅气的外表,...

护理专业面试时应该怎样自我介绍简单明了,大方得体,获得过证书等。 1:介绍下自己姓名 毕业学校说你是某某学校的应届毕业生,性格爱好,家庭情况,要对自己有信心 相信自己你能行,你面试护士最好说一下和护士有关的方...

学生面试护士的自我介绍应聘护士自我介绍范文: 我叫xxx,今年xx岁,毕业于xxxx学校,护理专业,今天能站在这里向大家介绍自己真是感到万分荣幸! 在生活中我是个活泼开朗、热情大方、乐观上进、独立自主、自...


面试英语自我介绍* * * * * * * * months in graduated from * * * * * school, my major is English education. I have a bright and cheerful disposition extroversion. Now I have work...

面试里英文面试自我介绍怎么办Good morning. My name is (名字). I am honored to be here to get the opportunity to become(你想成为的职业或岗位)I was born in XXX Province.And I passed four years ca...

急需求助医学生英语自我介绍翻译I am a graduate major in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I was born here, familiar with the language and customs. I want to return to this city after graduation t...

求一篇200词左右的英语自我介绍稿你好,简单的原创自我介绍范文如下: Me My name`s (男的Kevin,Gavin,Jackie,Jackson...女的就叫Maria,Julie,Amy,Jane). I am a 16(根据你实际年龄)-year-old boy/girl and I am ve...

应聘医院药房需要英文的自我介绍1,Except from work hard, I will see the hospital's benefits as my own benefits, and I will do everything to make it look better. And also I think I can help set...
