
获得加薪的策略 Promotion Tip

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的一个加薪理由]阿智跳槽那晚,我请他去酒吧小坐,算是话别。聊到投机处,他告诉我一些公司内幕,令我的心情再没法平静下来。 我和阿智一起进公司,几百个应聘者中挑了20个,而我们则是这20个里面最幸...+阅读

Although money shouldn't be the most important factor in career decisions, it has a big impact on our lives. How much money we earn will dictate where we live, where we vacation, the lifestyle we enjoy, and how and when we will retire.

When you work for someone else, you he a limited amount of control over your salary. You negotiate your starting salary and then you are given increases at management's discretion for annual reviews and promotions. Do you want more control over your salary? By understanding and increasing the value you provide to your anization, you he the ability to increase the amount of money you can earn.

Here are five ways to start increasing the value you provide to the anization and ultimately, the salary that you earn.

1. Specialize in a new area. 掌握新技能

Research uping trends in your industry or find an area of weakness in your anization and establish yourself as the expert. It may require additional education, training or certifications, but if you are the go-to person for all related matters, you bee an indispensable asset.

2. Make a direct impact on the bottom line. 对公司财政有积极的影响

The sole purpose of every pany is to generate a profit. Suggest a new way to service your existing customer base to create a new ine stream. If you do not work directly in a revenue producing area of business, implement new practices that will se the pany money. Calculate the impact you he on the bottom line and your value will be evident.

3. Be professional at all times. 始终保持职业化

Although it sounds like a no-brainer, it can be

easy to get caught up in office politics. Rise above the pettiness that can occur when a group of coworkers spend more time with each other than they do with their own families. Negative attitudes can significantly lower the production of a group. Participating in trivial activities can impact your annual raises and limits your opportunities for advancement.

4. Do something different. 突破循规蹈矩

The danger of hing a routine is that you rarely lee your fort zone. Playing it safe doesnt produce the WOW effect. Expand your focus and start taking calculated risks to drastically increase your results. Dont be afraid to speak up in meetings with new and different ideas that will bring a fresh approach to achieving anizational goals.

5. Know your market value. 了解自己的市场价值

It's important to keep abreast of changes in the market. Bee familiar with tools and websites that provide updated salary data, know what the petition is paying, and understand your panys pensation policies. Armed with this information, you will be better equipped to negotiate annual and promotional salary adjustments.

Salary is a plicated subject. Getting paid more money isnt something that can be acplished overnight. Most anizations he a budget for salary increases that is divided among eligible employees. Put yourself in managements shoes for a minute. Is the value you provide to the pany worth more or less than your colleagues? Once you take the emotional piece out of the salary equation, you can objectively create a plan to start getting paid what you are truly worth.




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