

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用200字作一个自我介绍!]镜子里,浮现出了一个女孩的身影,那就是我!! 我是一个很活泼很阳光的女孩子,我喜欢蹦蹦跳跳的。看,我的皮肤充分体现了龙的传人的后代。那是因为在夏天暴晒的后果。每当妈妈说:“看,...+阅读

My name is Vivian and I am sixteen right now. Just like every other teenagers at my age, I study hard in school and live life to the fullest. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. My hobbies are reading and drawing. I spent time practicing drawing whenever I can. However, I believe I still need opportunities to make my drawings more professional.

As I've worked hard to get this chance standing in front of you, I really treasure this opportunity. Hopefully I have satisfied all the requirements. I am looking forward to succeed.



大学入学面试的英文自我介绍应该包括什麽内容自己的个性,爱好,优点,融入能体现你能力的相关经历 Eg: I'm a self-motivated student, with a high sense of curiosity in study and responsibility in work. 举例工作学习...

大学入学英语面试其实简单啊,随意一点的就行了,介绍自己嘛,就围绕自己来说,开头一般就打招呼,先介绍自己姓名,兴趣,爱 好等,接下来,你可以说说你的信仰,引用两句名人名言来说说你的想法和做法,写一些“...

大学入学英语面试怎么自我介绍好啊其实简单啊,随意一点的就行了,介绍自己嘛,就围绕自己来说,开头一般就打招呼,先介绍自己姓名,兴趣,爱 好等,接下来,你可以说说你的信仰,引用两句名人名言来说说你的想法和做法,写一些“...

求大学入学面试英语自我介绍Hi!My name is xxx.I am xx yeas old.I am Chinese.I at xxx school graduat.If I at this school study, I will do my best at test..I have many good points,like such...

求大学入学英语面试自我介绍中英Hi!My name is xxx.I am xx yeas old.I am Chinese.I at xxx school graduat.If I at this school study, I will do my best at test..I have many good points, like such...

求一篇2分钟的英文自我介绍Hello! Ladies and gentleman.My name is xxx(自己的名字) and I am from xxx(住的地方,城市名).I am xxx(自己的年龄) years old and in I study xxx.(校名)There are three people...

2分钟的英语自我介绍我可是你的同龄人,知道上专门搞这一行的。我可没少写这个哦 Hi,I'm ...,you can call me ...(最好是英文名,如果没有可以是外号小名).I'm a active person so that I like doing...

两分钟的英语自我介绍自我介绍 大家好,我叫...,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里...

自我介绍英语的。Hi, everyone! Nice to see you all! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is XXX. I'm a hard-working girl student, although sometimes I like to go window-...
