
Different Types of Interviews

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[TYPES OF INTERVIEWS]Stress Interview Stress interviews are used to see how the jobseeker handle himself. You may be sarcastic or argumentative, or may keep him waiting. You may als...+阅读

One-to-one Interview

This is the most mon type of Interview. In the One-to-one interview the candidate for employment meets directly with the interviewer.

Phone interview

Phone Interviews are being increasingly popular among large corporations who are conducting a mass-hiring of employees. These interviews are conducted entirely over the phone and eliminate bias that may arise from a candidates appearance, mannerisms, or ethnicity. Often times, phone interview questions are structured and the question are behioral in nature; to further eliminate bias.

When preparing for a phone interview you should follow all of the steps listed above including getting dressed for the interview. Studies he shown that people who dress professionally for a phone interview will perform better than those dressed casually.

Group interview

In the group interview style you will be interviewing simultaneously with two or three other candidates all vying for the same position. In this interview style one or more applicants may be asked the same question or the pool of applicants can be broken into teams to determine a solution to a problem posed by the interviewer. This style of interviewing is most mon in the technology fields or any field where group cohesiveness is of extreme importance.

The best way to prepare for a group interview is to follow the steps listed above.

Panel Interview

A panel interview involves three or more members of the hiring anization meeting simultaneously with the person being considered for the position. This interview style is most mon in academia or when hiring a senior level corporate executive. The term search mittee is monly used to describe a Panel Interview.

In preparing for a panel interview it is best to understand an anization from every point of view. For example, if you are going to be interviewed by an anizations Customer Service Manager, Finance Manager, and Human Resources Manager; you should familiarize yourself with current information about the anizations customer service policies, finance policies, and HR policies.

Mock Interview

The Mock Interview allows prospective job cand

idates to practice their interviewing skills in a simulated interview environment. Mock interviews provide constructive feedback to the participants to enhance job prospects by improving interview skills.

Career fair interview

A conversation during a career fair can be considered a screening interview. It is generally, 2-10 minutes in length with a human resources representative or a technical manager in your field. If mutual interest is established, it is likely you will be invited for further interviews.

Because your meeting is brief, you will need to make an immediate positive impression. Research the employer and be prepared to match your background and interests to their needs.

Site interview

The site interview takes place at the employer's site. It is a selection interview, following a successful screening interview (phone, career fair, on-campus). This is very good news for you since you are now 50% closer to a job offer. There is however, still work to do!

Clarify the details of the visit in advance (date, location, length of visit, trel arrangements, suggested attire, expenses.) You may be scheduled for a half or full day of interviews, which may include a meal, a tour of the facility, and an overnight stay.

To prepare for a site visit, conduct in-depth research on the employer and their location. Dress professionally and arrive 15-20 minutes early. Bring ten copies of your resume, reference list (graduating students), and unofficial tran. If you he a portfolio or sample of your work, bring it with you.

Behioral Interviewing (Behior Based Interviewing or Structured Interviews)

A structured interview is a type of interview that is utilized by many larger anizations.

This interview is especially popular when there is more than one of the same position

ailable within the anization. In a structured interview every applicant for the

position is asked the same questions as every other applicant applying for the position. A

structured interview may contain standard interview questions, behioral interview

questions, or a bination of the two.

Informational Interviewing

Interviews During A Meal


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