
Business Negotiation商务谈判词汇

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[The pros and cons of in-season negotiations]When Tom Condon drove to Indianapolis to tell Colts president Bill Polian that Peyton Manning no longer wanted to negotiate until after the season, it constitut...+阅读

询价 make an inquiry

报价 quotation

报/发盘 offer

底盘 floor offer

实/虚盘 firm/non-firm offer

开/收盘 opening/closing price

现/期货价 spot/forward price

还盘 counter-offer

回佣 return mission

到岸价 C.I.F.(即Cost, Insurance and Freight)

到岸加佣金价 C.I.F.C.(即Cost, Insurance, Freight and mission)

现货 spot goods

库存有限 limited stock

批发价 wholesale price

零售价 retail price

净利润 profit

定金 down payment

分期付款 payment by installment

现金结算 cash settlement

信用证结算 payment by letter of credit(L/C)

股东 shareholder; stockholder

我方 on our part

双赢战略 win-win strategy

中止合同 terminate the contract

提出索赔 lodge a claim

要求赔偿损失 claim for a pensation of the loss/damage

贸易索赔 business claim

补偿贸易 penstion trade

第二部分 词语扩展

商品交易会 modities Fair

经营范围 line/scope of business

独家经销代理 exclusive selling agency

市场准入 market access

机床 machine tools

汽车零部件 auto parts

电子商务 e-merce; e-business

第三部分 例句


I'd like to hear your quotation on a C.I.F.Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of 5% angent's mission in your quotation.


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