

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[动车乘务员英语面试自我介绍范例急求!]If I had an interview, I would say "Good morning. My name is Xxxxxx." I would shake the interviewer's hand, and give a business card or a calling card if I had on...+阅读

If I had an interview, I would say "Good morning. My name is Xxxxxx." I would shake the interviewer's hand, and give a business card or a calling card if I had one.

Briefly state your education (if you are attending school, name of the school), and your accomplishments. If this is for a job interview, also express relevant skills you have required for the job.

I believe I would let the interviewer ask me questions, and then I would give my best answers to the questions. In this way, I would know exactly what the interviewer wanted to hear, and I would not have to guess. This is much more comfortable than worrying ahead of time what to say and how to say it.


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