

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中英语口试有自我介绍么]自我介绍 大家好,我叫...,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里...+阅读

1.My name is xxx. i'm xx years old. I'm from the xxx middle school. In my opinion I'm an outgoing and confident boy, and I'm quite easy-going. My hobbies are playing basketball and surfing on the internet. I think playing basketball will help me to enhance my teamwork spirit as well as my body-building to work better in the future. And surfing on the internet will help me to broad my vision and enrich my knowledge.

2.I think CA is not only a job, but also a attitude to life. A smile will make the distance between people closer. How wonderful! I think everyone will fine this is attractive.

3.I think the university is a place to complete oneself. I hope to have the opportunity to go there to receive further education and make myself better. I hope I can make contribution to the society. Thank you!


请帮忙写一下高考英语口试的自我介绍!hello, i'd like to introduce myself, my name is Liujie,19 years old and come from Peiling Chongqing. in my spare time, i like reading some books, singing songs...

BEC口试的自己我介绍姓名,学校,爱好,工作,家乡~ 第一部分都是简单问题,所以不用特别担心,是热身用的 但有时候也会问家乡的特色之类的,稍微准备一下,不要到时候什么都说不出来。。。。 Questions about...

小升初英语口试进去先说 good morning 也可以自我介绍一下,说说自己的名字或Id No之类的 如果没听清,可以说 could you ask /say the question again? pardon me /sorry, i didn't get the q...

急需一份空乘专业面试自我介绍要中文的各位评审员: 上(下)午好! 我叫xxx,来自美丽的城市xxx?毕业于xxx学校,我平时的爱好------------------,特长-------------,身高-------,从小我向往有一天能飞上蓝天,长大之后能做一名优...

空乘面试是不是很难啊您好 空乘面试也像是千军万马过独木船,大的航司,例如东航,一场社招可能就会有一两千人,但 实际招聘的只有区区一两百人。所以几次面不进也不要觉得过于灰心,或者否定自己。多尝试...


民航中专空乘面试难通过嘛面试注意事项与流程 1.女生穿着大方得体,不要戴首饰 2.男生不要烫染头发 3.初试:1>十人一组进入面试现场,作简单的自我介绍(姓名,年龄,来自哪里,兴趣爱好,如果有特长可以表演下,但时...

通过什么渠道可以去航空公司面试空乘?流程有知道的吗有两种渠道。 1、是航空类学校选拔,由学校组织面试。 2、社会招聘。社会招聘这一种比较常见。以南航为例,一般一年最少有两次招聘。不同分子公司招聘的时间、次数、要求不同。...

空乘面试英语自我介绍怎么说Tell us about yourself. It is typical to begin with such questions; the goal is to establish whether or not you have the necessary abilities to handle the job w...
