

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试中离职原因该如何描述]你可否描述一下你分开之前所供职单位的启事?这类问题在面试经常常会被问及,雇用单位能从中取得很多关于你的信息。是以,在答复这个问题时应当集中精力。 上司出缺点。既然是在...+阅读

I: Why are you leing your present job? / Why are you desirous of leing your present employer? / Why do you want to resign your position as secretary?

C: I'm leing'my present job in Nanking so as to live with

my wife and care for my little daughter here in Shenyang. /

I'm desirous of leing my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement. / I want to resign my position as seeretary in order to be able to get into the advertising business. / I'm desirous to lee my present employment so that I can improve my position and he more responsibilities.

I: What's the reason for your leing the previous pany? / What's the reason why you left your previous employer? / What's the reason why you are resigning the present position?

C: The reason for my leing the prrvious pany is to gain more experience in a foreign trade corporation. / I left my previous employer with an object to seek a better job. / The reason why I'm resigning the present position is that T want to look for a more challenging opportunity. / I lost my previous employment on account of cl

ose-down of the plant.

I: May I ask why you left the pany? / Can you tell me the reason for your resigning the previous post? / May I know why you are leing the previous situation?

C: I left the pany owing to liquidation of the business. / I did not think there was any opportunity for advancement there. / I'm leing the present situation just becaause of expiry of my employment contract. / I he to lee my present post only because the mill is going into bankruptcy.

I: What made you decide to change jobs? / What's your reason for changing jobs?

C: I would like to get a more especialized job. / I'm keen to shoulder higher responsibilities. / I find the job here very interesting(challenging).

I: Didn't you like the work? / Don't you like the work?

C: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economically

it's rather unstable. / I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. / To speak frankly, I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post. / The work is not bad. Yet the salary is too small.



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