

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Interview其他建议]本站整理Interview其他建议 Q:How long would you like to stay with this pany?(你会在本公司服务多久呢?) A:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in...+阅读


Find out some basic information about the anization before you go for the interview. You will be in a better position to ask intelligent questions and you will impress the interviewer with your initiative and your knowledge of the anization. (For information on how to conduct research please ask for the Research handout at the Career Resource Center.)


Employers often list more qualifications in the job posting than can realistically be met by most potential candidates. Frequently, this is done as a pre-screening device in order to reduce the number of applicants for the position by setting up artificial barriers. You should not allow this to discourage you or prevent you from pursuing the position .

Just as you are looking for the ideal job, employers are looking for the ideal employee. Analyze the job deion and match your experiences, skills, interests, and abilities to the job. You may find that some of the qualifications are less essential than others. Emphasize your strong points to minimize the effect of possible limited experience.

Talk with people who he worked in similar positions in that anization or in other panies. Read about the specific job category in the career literature. As a result of your research, you will he gained information about the nature of the job, the level of education and/or training necessary, future potential, and other pertinent details.


Anticipate questions that may be asked of you in an interview

. Prepare answers beforehand to some of the more difficult or sensitive questions. (See Handling Difficult Questions.) This does not mean memorizing responses or writing a . It does mean planning the points you want to make. Also, prepare questions you would like to ask the employer. For example, How do you evaluate job performance?


It is important that you use good munication skills during the interview. Practice with a friend, with a career counselor, or by videotaping a mock interview. Work on the following munication skills:

presenting yourself in a positive and confident manner

offering a firm handshake

speaking clearly and effectively

listening attentively and maintaining eye contact

oiding the use of unnecessary verbal and non-verbal distractions


Dress professionally for the interview. Remember that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Your appearance should be neat and clean, pressed and polished. Conservative business attire is appropriate for most settings.


Be on time for the interview. Plan to arrive about fifteen minutes early. Check in with the interviewer or the secretary about five to ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Use your waiting time to check your appearance, review the questions and answers you prepared, and read any pany literature that may be on display. Take advantage of this time to get a feel for the work environment by observing the surroundings and interactions among staff.


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