

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Hello ,everybody.My name's ***,I'm from ***.It's really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown,I love it and hope that you can visite it someday.I was graduated from ** School/University,it's also a nice school.There're 3 people in my family,you know,my parents and I.We love each other and live a happy life.I usually play ballgames in my spare time,and I think I'm good at basketball.My dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--Kobe one day. :) So,you see,I'm really an easygoing guy.That's all,thank you.


Hi guys, my name is ********. I come from ************. Before I enter this class, I studied in ***********.

********and ***********are my favorites. But I am not good at them.(And I am good at them.) And I also like listening to music. The music style that I like is R&B. As for pop singers, I like ******, because he/she is (handsome / beautiful / sexy / genius ). I'd like to make friends with you. Do you like to make friends with me. (有人说yes, 你就thank you very much.然后一鞠躬结束这个自我介绍。没人说话,你就OK, I'll keep on trying,转向老师问Do you like to make friends with me. 老师肯定会说yes, 接着你就 thank you very much.之后一鞠躬结束这个自我介绍。)(不论有无人对你的问话做出反应都没有关系,关键是你的新英语老师会觉得这个学生无论从性格还是英语应用方面都是不错的,而且他她会做出反应的。)

自我介绍的翻译:大家好,我叫****。来自******。进这个班之前我在*****。*****和*********是我的爱好。但我并不擅长。(并且我很擅长)。我也喜欢音乐,我喜欢蓝调,至于歌手嘛,我喜欢******, 因为她他(帅、美、性感、有才)。我希望能与大家成为朋友,你们愿意与我做朋友吗?



teachers, students:

How are you!

My name is 【你的名字】, 【你的年龄】 years old this year, I am a student from【班级】. I particularly like English, English bring excellence and the wonderful fun to my life. I have many hobbies and interests, such as singing, dancing, but my favorite is the universal language - English. I hope my English will give you bring fun, bring a smile to my style without leaving the slightest to you that this is my purpose to participate in the competition. I also hope that he can use a fluent English and tireless efforts to bring more people like English, English.




我叫***,今年 岁了,是 的学生。我特别喜欢英语,英语给我的生活带来了精彩和乐趣。我还有许多爱好和兴趣,比如唱歌、跳舞,但我最喜欢的还是世界通用的语言—英语。我希望我的英语能给大家带来乐趣,带来笑容,把我的风采一丝不留的给大家,这正是我来参加比赛的目的。我还希望能用自己一口流利的英文和不懈的努力,使更多的人喜欢英文,使用英文。



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