

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[自我介绍英文带翻译]Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** 。 (我叫****) I'm a 15 years old boy。 (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao。 (我住在美丽...+阅读


Hellow, everyone ! My name is ~~~. Im 15 years old . My hoby is watch TV , chat on the line , play tennis and the football and so on . Besides, I'm interested in English . I'm outgoing, I hope to make friends with everyone ! 嗨,大家好! 我的名字叫~~~~。我今年15岁。我爱好看电视,上网聊天、打网球和踢足球等等。 此外,我对英语很有兴趣,我性格开朗, 我希望和大家做朋友。(随便写的,因为不知道你的爱好,但是可以套用的)。

英语自我说明作文 200字左右

Hello everyone 大家好 And everyone can learn, I am very honored and pleased to 能和大家一起学习,我感到非常荣幸和高兴 I come from Henan Province, a beautiful small village in southwest 我来自河南省西南部一个美丽的小村庄 I am slightly eccentric personality, likes solitude, but his friends are dedicated to each. 本人性格稍有孤僻,喜欢独处,但对自己的每个朋友都很热忱。 I am painting and costume design is with fanatical dedication and the pursuit! 对绘画和服装设计更是有着狂热的执着和追求! Like a man sitting alone on a long train to travel 喜欢一个人坐在长长的火车上独自去旅行 Is very keen to see the sunflowers into pieces like the sea surrounded by the same to me 更是十分渴望看到成片的向日葵像海洋一样把我给包围起来 There is also a little dream 也有一个小小的梦想 A dream that one day, 梦想自己有一天, In the vast grasslands of the Australian kangaroo looked cheerful jump 可以在澳大利亚的辽阔草原上看着袋鼠欢快的跳跃 This is what I, 这就是我, a man's little girls 一个很男人的小女生


中文:个性自我说明范文一: 大家好!我叫xxx(这里写您自己的名字)。幼年时曾作过许多色彩斑斓的梦,当个xxx是我其中之一的梦想我有一个远大的理想,那就是我要当一名xxx,所以我还喜欢天蓝色和银白色,它代表着我要飞向天空。 我身高xxx,是一个性格内向的人,所以我很喜欢读书,各种书都喜欢,当然啦,我最喜欢xx,不知道大家是否看过另我喜欢不已的死神,动漫中经典中的经典啊!我尽情遨游在书的海洋中,在这里也希望交到和我拥有同样爱好的你。 有广泛爱好的我最大的优点是乐于助人,我这个人就是典型的热肠子,以后你们如果谁有困难,只要我能帮到你们的,尽管说,我一定在所不辞!!古道热肠来称呼再合适不过了,我这个人很好相处,你们会慢慢了解我的。

呵呵。我呢,最喜欢冬天,没有什么特别的原因吗,秋太过于伤感,夏太过于热情,而春天却太过于温和,冬再好不过了,介于四者之间,可以使人冷静,使人回味。。我最喜欢冬天的傲梅,顽强不屈的品质是我学习的目标,我最喜欢雪花的坚持,为达目的地勇往直前。 对了,我最喜欢吃的食物是我妈妈做的,她的手艺非常好,做的食物让我食胃大开,口齿留香,欢迎大家到我加来做客,保证让家赞不绝口。 这就是我,一个幸福的男孩,一个乐于助人的男孩,一个聪明善良的我。 今天,我站在了同学们中间。我和在座的同学们一样,渴望展翅高飞,渴望将来有更大的发展空间,有施展才华的更广阔的天地。我想,有耕耘就会有收获。未来的几年里,由各位老师的倾情传授,我们一定会有一个无限美好的未来。

英文: Hi, my name is xxx. I'm xx years old, a middle school student apparently. I love music very much although I'm not very good at singing. I've been playing guzheng, an ancient traditional instrument for a long time and now I'm in level 10, which means a really high level among the amateurs. Apart from that, I also like to reading and writing. They both give me a lot of fun and build my unique personality as well as my goal and dream. I like Wangfei very much. She could be my favorite singer.... Personally, I've been considering I have a really complicated personality because sometimes don't really like to study, sometimes..... However, I'm very positive and look forwards to my future because I'm the one who will realize my goal.


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跪求一篇英文自我介绍带中文翻译Hellow, everyone ! My name is ~~~. Im 15 years old . My hoby is watch TV , chat on the line , play tennis and the football and so on . Besides, I'm interested i...

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