
7 Tips for Writing Winning Resume Cover Letters

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Business Letter Writing Tips]Business Letter Writing Tips Limit Them To One Page. By definition, business letters should be short and to the point, preferably one page in length. Studies he...+阅读

Writing a good resume cover letter is something you should seriously consider when preparing to send off your resume to potential employers.

Here are seven important cover letter writing tips:

Address the individual by name. If you don't know their name then use: Dear Sir or Madam or Dear Human Resources Director.

Attract attention with a strong opening paragraph. Create impact. Give them a reason to keep reading about you.

Refer to your enclosed resume. Be specific in describing your skills, experience and acplishments. Use actual examples of things you've done.

Let the employer know what you ca

n do for them. What can you bring to their anization?

Keep the letter's tone of voice positive and professional. Be persuasive but don't e off like a cheap used car salesman. Remember to ask for the interview!

Double check your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. He someone proofread the letter.

Sign your letter and keep a copy for your files.

Writing a strong cover letter will help you (and your resume) stand out from the crowd. Hopefully, your cover letter will give employers a reason to pick up the phone and invite you to that all-important job interview.

About The Author

Copyright 2004


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