

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com



要看你是干什么了。演讲的话可以说 distinguished judges 或者 honorable judges 不要用dear。显不出judges和观众的区别。 完整的开场白可以是这样的: distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen and my dear fellow students, good morning!尊敬的评为,女士们先生们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。 注意如果是正式的场合,比如是站在台上演讲这样大家都听你一个人说话的时候,不要用hello啊,hi there啊一类的,显的你态度不端正。 如果你是去面试的话,就dear judges,因为棉对面的面试用演讲那种就很怪异了,用个dear和面试官拉进距离到未必不是个好事。


翻译是:Hello, distinguished judges。


hello 英[hə'ləʊ] 美[həˈloʊ]

int. 打招呼; 哈喽,喂; 你好,您好; 表示问候;

n. “喂”的e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333363376438招呼声或问候声;

vi. 喊“喂”;

[例句]Hello, Trish



英[dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt] 美[dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt]

adj. 著名的; 卓越的; 受人尊敬的; 显得重要的;

v. 辨别,区别( distinguish的过去式和过去分词); 突出; 区别(distinguish的过去式);

[例句]He looked very distinguished.


judge 英[dʒʌdʒ] 美[dʒʌdʒ]

vt. 审判,评判; 断定;

vt. 评价; 估计; (尤指) 批评; 想,认为;

n. 考官;法官; 裁判员; 评判员; 鉴定人;

[例句]A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.



Hello, dear every leader is a great pleasure to attend this interview, my name is liu, this year 18 years old, from the unique city liaoning xing-cheng, height 183 cm, weight 63 kg ShangKun now is read in Beijing railway professional education school, I am a mature stable, positive optimistic, like listening to music, love to play badminton, once worked as a student in a home school this experience let me know how to manage others first to mind your own truth, and strengthens my sense of responsibility, I will do it in the later work to service responsibility, honor hope that the leaders gave me this opportunity, for my self introduction, thanks.


dateback回溯至dayafterday一天一天dayandnight早晚dealwith处理,对付dependon依赖于devote...to把……献给diedown变弱dieof死于dieout灭绝digup挖出do(some)reading阅读一些书,所有dosome……都是这个意思domorningexercise做早操 avour帮助某人,等于helpsomebodydosomegood干好事dowellin擅长,begoodatdrawone'sattention(to)吸引某人的注意力,focusondreamof梦想于dressup穿戴起来,wear,puton,dressdriveoff击退dropoff掉下 ine写信给某人,writelettertosb.


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