

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试用英语自我介绍样本]① Good morning! It is really my honor to he this opportunity for an interview; I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. No...+阅读


尊敬的各位考官您们好: 今天能够顺利通过笔试站在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到非常的荣幸。对这次机会也是倍加珍惜,希望通过这次面试能够把最好的自己展示给你们,也希望能给各位考官留下一个好的印象。 下面做一下自我说明我叫:**,今年**岁,汉族,2010年毕业四川省南充市川北医学院职业技术学院,中专学历。 小时候每当看到医院里的护士们穿着一身洁白的大褂,在病人身旁忙碌,看到病人因为她们的细心照顾减轻了痛苦而流露出的那种感激的神情时,她们在我心中真的犹如天使般可爱和圣洁,我就梦想有一天能像她们一样做一位白衣天使,之后初中毕业我毫不犹豫地选择报考了省卫校。在自己的努力和家人的支持下,我顺利完成了卫校三年的学业,各门课程优良。

虽然毕业后由于地区社会就业紧张,没有能立刻分配到工作,但是我并没有在家闲坐着,而是积极的将我在学校和实习期间的所学,运用到生活中,在家人生病时不仅为他们打针,而且还会进行一些力所能及的诊断和治疗,为他们减少了不少麻烦,家人戏称我为家庭医生,我对这样的称呼感到很骄傲,这也更坚定了我为医护事业奉献毕生精力的决心。然而我的理想并不仅仅是帮助身边的亲人。我要像南丁格尔一样通过自己的努力和爱心为更多的人带来健康、快乐。 因此我很想把握住这次难得的机会,希望各位考官能给我实现人生理想的机会,使我真正走上自己向往的道路,我将以自己的爱心和所学的知识,为家乡的父老乡亲做点自己应有的贡献。 Distinguished examiners, you are good:Today, standing here can successfully pass a written interview, examiners have the opportunity to ask and learn, I feel very honored. Of this opportunity to also cherish, hope that through this interview be able to put your best show you, also hope to give you leave a good impression on examiners.Here to introduce myself my name is: * *, * * years old Han, Sichuan Province in 2010, graduated from North Sichuan Medical College in Nanchong, Career Technical College, vocational education.When a child to see the hospital nurses dressed in a white coat, in the patient side busy, see patients because they care for relieving pain and showed that expression of gratitude, they in my mind like angels and holy, I have a dream that one day to be like them be an angel in white, after the graduation of junior high school I did not hesitate to choose the provincial school. In their efforts and the support of his family, I successfully completed a set of three years of studies, each course.Although after graduation because of social employment pressure, there are no immediate assignment to work, but I'm not at home to sit around, but active will I in the school and practice during the period of school, apply to life in the family is sick, not only for their shots, but some do everything in one's power in the diagnosis and treatment of, for the they reduce a lot of trouble, family nicknamed me the family doctor, I feel very proud of such a call, the more determined I am to the medical profession dedicated energy determination. However, my ideal is not only help families. I like Nightingale through their own efforts and caring for more people to bring health, happiness.So I want to seize this rare opportunity, I hope that examiners can give me the opportunity to realize the ideal of life, so I really take my yearning Road, I will be your love and knowledge, as the hometown folks do their due contributions.


Hello, my name is ***, and I am very happy to be here in order to get a job as nurse. Being a nurse has been my dream for a long time. Everytime I see the nurses at the hospitals helping patients, it makes me want to help people, too. I got my degree at *** college. Through 3 years of intensified training, I have finally become a person ready to nursing. I finished my internship at *** Hospital. The experience there really helped me to enhance my ability. I learned how to deal with people, in the nicest way possible. So now, I am ready to be a professional nurse and learn to become a skilled nurse. I really hope this hospital will give me this opportunity. Thank you....











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