

03月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[比较幽默的英文自我介绍]Ladies and gentlemen, the small car ( young woman ) polite, I come from xx,Small car scholarship is not high, Wen eight bucket,My biggest advantage : brag, the...+阅读


Ladies and gentlemen, the small car ( young woman ) polite, I come from xx,Small car scholarship is not high, Wen eight bucket,My biggest advantage : brag, the biggest drawback: fart, love to do: fighting, most loves work: leBut my disposition is quite open and bright, young and pig kissed mouth, I now ... ... Time has been changed, but my brothers, I am a a lot of advantages, disadvantages, a few peoplearning, hope you can learn from me!!!


I'm efficient; when I have a project to do, I do it thoroughly and on time. For example, I always double-check my reports. I like to be organized; in my last managerial position I had many duties so I organized a schedule and prioritized my jobs. I'm a fast learner: I didn't know anything about computers before university, it was difficult at first but I studied hard, got high marks and can use it effectively now…. I believe that problems are really challenges and that I can solve them



Good morning (afternoon), assessors! My name is ***, and you can call me ***. I'm an outer-directed girl, so I like to make friends and chat with people. I'm also a pertinacious person, so I really like the motto:“ I do the very best I know how, the best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end,” from Abraham Lincoln. I love English, because it's one of the most famous languages in the world. My dreams are going to America for further education and devoting myself to physics. So, in order to make the dream come true, I'll try my best!

That's all, thank you!


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