

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

good moring ladies and gentlemen!

it is great honour for me to take this interview,thank you for giving me this chance!

my name is xx, i am an undergraduate of xidian university,major in telemunication engineering.as the cradle of china's telemunication talents,xidian universtiy's long history,good research atmosphere and the long term cooperation with xx institue, provide me an excellent stduy environment. after about four years' hard work, i he learnd all the courses

of telemunication engineering and he

good mand of the basis of telemunication technology. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a sound foundation to fulfill my master degree courses! in addition to my solid education background,i he good municate skill and strong team spirit.i strongly believe this will be a great help for me to fullfil my master degree courses.futher more,i am healthy and tough.besides study i enjoy playing basketball much!Sports give me a healthy body and tough mind.

that's all, thank you very much!


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