[年销售30亿以下的民营企业的共同点]王冉:年销售30亿以下的民营企业的共同点 做投行一天到晚不看别的光看企业了。看的企业多了,自然会发现一些规律。在过去的几个月里,我和我的同事们接触了相当多的民营优秀消费...+阅读
Business and social etiquette can be tricky, and making the right moves can make a big difference. Take this quick quiz and see how you fare in the following business situations.
1. Your boss, Ms Alpha, enters the room when you're meeting with an important client, Mr. Beta. You stand up and say Ms Alpha, I'd like you to meet Mr. Beta, our client from San Diego. Is this introduction correct?
No. Always introduce the more important person first. You should address your client and say Mr. Beta, I'd like you to meet our Vice President of Development, Ms. Alpha. Remember to use people's formal business titles - it helps to make them feel important.
2. You're entering a cab with an important client. You position yourself so the client is seated curbside. Is this correct?
Yes. When your client steps out of the car, he or she will be on the curbside and therefore won't he to deal with getting out in traffic or sliding across the seat.
3. A toast has been proposed in your honor. You say thank you and take a sip of your drink. Are you correct?
No. If you do, then you're toasting yourself. Stay seated until everyone has toasted you and then stand up and make a toast of your own starting with a short 'thank you' to the person who toasted you.
4. You're at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. Midway through the meal, you're called to the telephone. What do you do with your napkin?
Lee it on your chair. Definitely don't put it on the table--what if you he crumbs on it?
5. You're greeting or saying good-bye to someone. When's the proper time to shake their hand?
When you're introduced, at their home, at their office, and on the street. In other words, it's rarely improper to shake someone's hand. Make sure you he a firm (but not painful) handshake for both men and women.
6. You've fotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he's furious. What should you do?
Call and set up another appointment. And don't fet to apologize for your error. Imagine how you'd feel if it was you!
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