

07月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[自我介绍英语的!幽默一点]My name is zhangying,I am from Xuancheng China,I am thirteen years old and my birthday is in January,I am in Class Ten Grade Seven,I can speak Chinese and a lit...+阅读


My name is zhangying,I am from Xuancheng China,I am thirteen years old and my birthday is in January,I am in Class Ten Grade Seven,I can speak Chinese and a little English,I do not have any bothers and sisters.I like going to the movies with my friends,and playing sports, my favorite subject in shcool is music,because it is very relaxing,but I do not like biology,it is too boring!


Ladies and gentlemen, the small car ( young woman ) polite, I come from xx,Small car scholarship is not high, Wen eight bucket,My biggest advantage : brag, the biggest drawback: fart, love to do: fighting, most loves work: leBut my disposition is quite open and bright, young and pig kissed mouth, I now ... ... Time has been changed, but my brothers, I am a a lot of advantages, disadvantages, a few peoplearning, hope you can learn from me!!!


I'm efficient; when I have a project to do, I do it thoroughly and on time. For example, I always double-check my reports. I like to be organized; in my last managerial position I had many duties so I organized a schedule and prioritized my jobs. I'm a fast learner: I didn't know anything about computers before university, it was difficult at first but I studied hard, got high marks and can use it effectively now…. I believe that problems are really challenges and that I can solve them


Good afternoon students! Very pleased to come to our class, I come from the 填班级, my name is姓名, We know in the classroom, along with cleaning, and then we talk to the previous study and life, I am very happy to know them, I think I am good at learning math(只是举一个例子), I am confident that a good representative of mathematics class, and then in life, I will enthusiastic group of students to help, I believe I met in high school I have more new friends, and common progress, I will, through their own efforts to prove my strength, in this, I hope Members can help the group to take care of!



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