
Writing An Accomplishment Driven Resume

11月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Resume and Cover Letter Writing Tips]Purpose: The main purpose of the resume is to get you into an interview. Basic information: name, address, email, telephone number(s), fax number, etc. IT IS VE...+阅读

In the midst of hundreds, if not thousands, of resume recruiters and employers receive for any given position, your resume needs to stand out from the crowd. You must make the Hiring Manager want to read your resume more thoroughly than just the rudimentary 10-20 seconds the vast majority of your petition will warrant. The way to do this is by designing an acplishment driven resume.

What makes a resume that is focused on achievements so effective? Most job seekers tend to list their responsibilities of their past and current positions. While this may be important, it should not necessarily be the focus of your document. The higher level the position you are seeking, the more crucial the acplishment aspect of your resume. You need to provide proof of the results you were able to achieve with the implication that you can bring the same, if not better, results to your future employer.

Say for instance, you are a CPA. Your current resume states things such as Control accounting activities, and Invest and manage cash activities. What does that really say about your abilities? How does that differentiate you from all of the other CPAs out there applying for the same job as you? It doesnt. You need to show the potential employers what you can bring to their anization. Now is the time to brag. How he you improved a panys bottom line? He you spearheaded any projects that resulted in

increased revenue, pany sings, or employee morale? Thats the kind of information that Hiring Managers seek out amongst the resume clutter.

Your resume is your own personal sales pitch. Keywords are an integral part of that pitch. While you are describing your acplishments, be sure to use powerful keywords to signify the importance and magnitude of those feats. It is not the time to be modest. Use strong action verbs that really drive home what youre trying to say. Use industry terms, where appropriate, if you are seeking a job similar to your current position. The pany will understand this terminology and be relieved to know that you are petent enough to prehend them as well.

Another significant part of an acplishment driven resume is the format. Do not clump your achievements and responsibilities together. You can write an overview of your responsibilities in a paragraph and then highlight your acplishments with bullets. You dont want to he everything in a paragraph, and likewise, not everything in a bullet format. You must draw the readers eye to the important parts that you really want to sell. If everything looks the same, nothing will stand out.

Using these techniques, you are on your way to writing an acplishment driven, extremely effective resume. Your potential employers will not only see what you he achieved in the past, but what you could offer them in the future.


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