
Negotiating a Raise

11月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要求加薪 Ask for a Raise]You've worked long and hard at your job, and it's about time you saw some financial rewards for it. One of our Survival Guide readers asks us how to ask for a r...+阅读

If you are currently employed and want a raise, start by being prepared. Gather your salary survey information, recent performance appraisals that document the job you're doing, and any other relevant information. Be aware of pany policy regarding pensation. Some employers are limited by budget constraints and can only give raises at certain times of the year, regardless of the circumstances. He a clear idea of what you want. Determine the salary range you're looking for and justification for the increase and he both ready to review with your supervisor. Be flexible. Would you consider an extra couple of weeks vacation instead of a raise? I know someone who's regularly taken time-off instead of money and now has six vacation weeks

a year... Then, ask your supervisor for a meeting to discuss salary. Present your request, supported by documentation, calmly and rationally. Don't ask for an immediate answer. Your boss is mostly likely going to he to discuss it with Human Resources and/or other pany managers.Despite your best efforts, there may simply not be enough money in the budget to increase your salary or pensation package offer. The pany may also not want to create inequities by paying one person more than others in a similar position. In that case, you can at least know you tried. Plus, if this is a job you really think that you're going to love, consider whether the pany culture, the benefits, and the job itself are worth it - regardless of the salary.


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