
Open questions 六

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Questions to Ask笔试]1. In my first year with the firm, how much responsibility should I expect? To whom will I be reporting, and who will evaluate me? The firm has a reputation for...+阅读

Which of the following best describes your willingness to relocate during the course of the Management Trainee Programme?

I am happy to relocate several times during the Programme

Please indicate your reasons for your choice.

I like trel. Working in different cities and cooperating with people from different background will be a wonderful experience for me. I believe that I will enjoy the relocation.

Please describe your mentioned activities in details including time and your responsibilities.

Feb, 2002-Feb,2003 I was the Public Relation Minister of Student Union. I managed a debating petition in Tianjin University. Together with the members in my department, I got many sponsorship for some activities and invite some media to report our activities.

Nov, 2005-Apr, 2006I was the Project Manager in SIFE Team in Tianjin University. I managed the project of college student business, solicited  1000 sponsorship from HSBC.I Designed the fist Free Manager petition in Tianjin, printed promotional materials.

Nov, 2003-Jun, 2004I took the role ofMedia manager inOutdoor Club in Tianjin University. I was one of the members who initiated the establishment of Outdoor Association. I managed the First Outdoor Festival in Tianjin University and solicited RMB 2000 sponsorship for the activity. I anized the Trersing the Baiyangyu Wild Great Wall activity and initiated book donation for rural children.

In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a time when you set yourself a really challenging goal. What was the situation? Why was it challenging to you? What were the obstacles you faced in achieving this goal? How did you approach this and what outes did you achieve?

I participated in the National Challenge Cup Business Plan petition in China in May,2006. Our team had to finish a Business Planning in a very short time. We found a good project which makes improvement in producing a kind of pesticides. We decided to write a Business Planning about opening a pany which owns the patents of producing this pesticides. But our team members knew little about pesticides market. So it was challenging to me. In order to finish it before the deadline, I worked very hard with my team. We looked through all the information we could access on the Inter and in the Journals. Besides, we phoned someone to get expert advice. Then we analyzed lots of information to evaluate the market and designed the promotion policy. At last, we finished it through our effort and we won the Golden Prize in Tianjin and the National Bronze Prize.

In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a recent situation when you he acted upon an opportunity to make, raise or se money, or maximized the results you achieved with ailable resources. What was the situation? What did you do? What was the oute?

I participated in SIFE team in Tianjin University. Working together as a team and through the mentoring of faculty advisers, we apply our university experiences to develop and implement educational outreach program that educate individuals in their munities about the principles of market economics and success skills. In order to promote our activity we need some money.

I thought that maybe some big panies may interest in out activity so we wrote to them to introduce our program and

ask for some sponsorship. Our team prepared very good documents for the application. At last we solicited  1000 sponsorship from HSBC and our program was succeed.

In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a time when you had to solve a plex problem. What was the problem? What steps did you take to identify a solution? What was the oute?

When I was an intern in Quality Assurance Department in Tianjin OTIS elevator limited pany in Jul, 2006, I was in charge of a Achieving petitive Excellence improvement project in Sales Cell. We found that in enter for bidding process sales would miss some projects biding for the lack of information. First I collected and analyzed the T/B data, then chose some prioritizing process to improve. After that we hold a meeting with some sales man to discuss the root cause. Using fishbone chart, NGT and 5 why, we finally found out three causes and took somecorrective actions. As a result, the T/B ratio fell down and the project succeeded.

What is your definition to SUCCESS?

success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the character of the person who measures it.

Success is achieving something you he set out to do and wanted to do. So first you should set a career target and then you should try your best to acplish it.

Success is Loving Your Worksuccess is looking forward to the beginning of each day. It's genuinely enjoying what you do.My work is petitive, creative, constantly changing, challenging, rewarding and most of all fun, he says. That is why I love my business.

Why do you apply for BP?

BP is one of the worlds largest energy trading panies. And it is a force for good. The way they work is guided by values integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human progress. Besides, BP are mitted to equality and diversity. I admire BPs culture so much that I want to join in BP.

Why do you apply for the Challenge Program?

The Challenge Program is a unique opportunity to take part in a three year rotational program. This program will be enpassed by a culture that is petitive, yet nurturing to the ambition and the motivation that brought me to this point in my career. And it will be exposed to multiple parts of the business in varying capacities that provide a well rounded grounding in the energy sector. The program is petitive and attractive. I am sure I will be a top performer and enjoy being challenged to the maximum. So the Challenge Program is the right fit for me.

Please describe your responsibility which you mentioned in your work experience.

When I was involved in the ACE improvement project in Sales Cell, I found that in enter for bidding process sales would miss some projects biding for the lack of information. After T/B data collecting and analyzing, some prioritizing processes were chosen to improve. Using brain storm, fishbone chart, NGT and 5 why, we finally found out three causes and took some corrective actions. As a result, The T/B ratio fell down from 10.5% to 4.2%. Besides, my routine work ensured all departments conform to the pany requirement of ACE, which helped to increase the customer satisfaction and sales profit.


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