

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[30而立,80后在经济危机中敢创业吗]男人30而立,80后今天已经接近30边缘,恰在此时是经济危机的时期,是默默无闻还是单独创业? 80后是一个思想另类的群体,无论是事业上还是行为上,都与前年龄段的人不同,然而无论是任何...+阅读







Graduates Earned Less in Poor Economy

University graduates earned less because of the economic downturn.

According to the employment survey conducted by Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), the erage monthly salary earned by first degree graduates of 2008 was HK 12,114, a slight drop of 0.25% from 2007. Yet, it was a 9% increase pared to the figure in 2006. It is reported that graduates of Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Science, Social Work, and Physical Education and Recreation Management earned 14%-36% more than the erage ine of other g

raduates per month.

The survey shows that 84.4% of 2008 graduates found a job by December 2008, and 53% received two or more offers from employers. More than 90% of the respondents were hired within 3 months of graduation. Graduates in Information Systems Management, China Studies (Economics), Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Science, International Journalism, Applied Chemistry, and Statistical and Operations Research enjoyed 100 per cent full-time employment.

Most graduates joined the merce/industry sector (75%), followed by munity/social services (11.3%), education (11.2%) and government service (2.5%). In terms of job nature, the most popular is accounting/audit/tax (12.4%), followed by marketing/sales (8.8%) and administration/management (6%).

The survey was conducted from October to December 2008, and 1,668 valid responses from 1,679 bachelor degree holders were received.

Dr. Tim Wong, Head of the Career Centre at HKBU, said that due to the financial tsunami, petition for jobs has been very keen for 2009 graduates. He encourages graduates to grab the opportunity to secure a job rather than haggling over salary issues.


经济危机迫使美国老年人重返职场Eugene Salvino, 57, fills out a job application at a job fair in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on August 4, 2009. Salvinos job of 37 years was eliminated a year and...

