

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

外贸五金展会 常用英语 词汇

position 职务

president 董事长

general manager 总经理

special assistant manager 特助

factory director 厂长

department director 部长

deputy manager =vice manager 副理

section supervisor 课长

deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor 副课长

group leader/supervisor 组长

line supervisor 线长

assistant manager 助理

to move, to carry, to handle 搬运

be put in storage 入库

pack packing 包装

to apply oil 擦油

to file burr 锉毛刺

final inspection 终检

to connect material 接料

to reverse material 翻料

wet station 沾湿台

Tiana 天那水

cleaning cloth 抹布

to load material 上料

to unload material 卸料

to return material/stock to 退料

deficient purchase 来料不良

manufacture procedure 制程

deficient manufacturing procedure 制程不良

scratch 刮伤

dents 压痕

defective upsiding down


defective to staking 铆合不良

embedded lump 镶块

feeding is not in place 送料不到位

stamping-missing 漏冲

production capacity 生产力

education and training 教育与训练

proposal improvement 提案改善

spare parts=buffer 备件

forklift 叉车

trailer=long vehicle 拖板车

pound die 合模

die locker 锁模器

pressure plate=plate pinch 压板

bolt 螺栓

administration/general affairs dept 总务部

automatic screwdriver 电动启子

thickness gauge 厚薄规

gauge(or jig) 治具

power wire 电源线

buzzle 蜂鸣器

defective product label 不良标签

identifying sheet list 标示单

location 地点

present members 出席人员

subject 主题

conclusion 结论

decision items 决议事项

responsible department 负责单位

pre-fixed finishing date 预定完成日

approved by / checked by / prepared by 核准/审核/承办

PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE 组装厂生产排配表


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