

11月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Do you get up in the morning and dread going to work? Is your work-life balance swaying in the wrong direction? Whatever your gripes (抱怨), considering we spend more time at work than we do with our loved ones, it is important you enjoy what you do. So whether you want to downshift (减速) or start afresh in a new industry, our guide will act as pointers to help get you on the right path.

1. What are you good at? 你擅长什么?

It seems basic, but start by making a list of what you are good at. Do you he skills which are transferable? Write down everything you do in an erage week at work, however basic a task, and then start thinking about which skills you excel at (突出) and which you want to ditch (放弃). Also he a think about hidden talents you're not currently using at work, but would like to utilize in the future.

2. Be passionate 要有热情

You are going to be far more successful in your new career if you're doing something you love. What interests do you he? When do you get fi

red up and what really turns you off? If you can identify what makes you tick, you'll be nearer to finding your dream career. And it might be that you're already closer than you think-if this is the case it's probably worth speaking to the Human Resources department where you work to see if there are any openings you could consider.

3. Research 调查

Once you've got an idea about the career you'd like to aim for, now it's the time to find out what you need to do to reach your goal. What skills do you need to get into that field? How do you go about getting them? Are there online courses or evening courses you could do?

4. Find out more 发现更多

Speak to people to people who already work in that industry, and if you don't he any contacts, go on to relevant message boards or for extra help speak to a careers magazines and email newsletters and read the job sections in the papers and online rigorously to find out how many jobs are around and how fast-moving the market is.


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