
Tips on Creating a Cover Letter

11月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Thank You Letter Tips for Job Interviews]It's always important to say thank you after a job interview and after a second interview, as well. It's also important to thank everyone you interviewed with a...+阅读

Paragraph constructionNever begin a paragraph with I. Try to keep sentences under 12 words. Use proper English and oid slang or abbreviations. Use action verbs such as designed or implemented. Use the active voice whenever possible. Personalize each letter. Before you begin writingAnswer the question, Why should I hire you? Respond to the need of the pany and the person who is hiring for the position. Answer the following questions:How do I get my message across? What do I want to municate to the reader? Construct a grabber at the beginning and a closer at the end. Be honest and factual. Dont make your problems someone elses problems. HeadingYour name, address and phone number should be placed at the top of the letter, each flush left or center. Work number, fax number or e-mail address are optional, but remended. Example:Chris Smith

178 Green Street

New York, NY 09998

DateThe date should appear two lines below the header (and to the left if you he centered your heading). Dont abbreviate the date. Example:July 26, 2007 instead of Jul. 26, 2007 or 07/26/07 The addresseeConfirm the spelling of the persons name and pany to whom you are addressing the letter. List the addressee two lines beneath the date on the left-hand side of the letter. Be sure to include full name starting with Ms. or Mr. Then write in the persons title, pany name and address. Example:Ms. Joan Jones

Vice President of Marketing

Norville Software, Inc.

123 Software Rd.

Suite 500

Anytown, ST 12345

SalutationThe salutation should be typed two lines beneath the panys address. Use a colon instead of a ma at the end of the salutation. Always use Dear Mr. or Dear Ms. unless the individual is a friend or relative. Example:Dear Ms. Jones:

Dear Mr. Smith:

First paragraphState your interest and purpose for writing to the pany. State why you think you are the best candidate for the position. Reference the name of the publication if you are responding to a classified ad. Reference the name of the person who referred you to the position. Example:Seeking a new challenge, I was pleased to notice your advertisement for a Senior Product Manager in

the May 17th New York Times. Over the last four years, I he consistently delivered new and innovative products to market. Second paragraphUse acplishment statements and link them to the employers needs. Detail how you can contribute to the pany. Demonstrate your qualifications. Use terms that the employer used in the advertisement or that are industry specific. Example:As a product manager for Allied Software, I managed three product launches within 12 months. This included anizing and implementing a direct mail campaign, a product tour, and trade show presentations before industry analysts. As a result of these marketing efforts, revenues exceeded goals by 35 percent. Third paragraphFocus on the pany. Show your interest in their products or services. Display enthusiasm for the industry. Refer to other experiences. Example:Your pany recently announced plans to move into working software linking desktop personal puters to mainframe puters. With my success in bringing this type of software to market, I am confident that I can help Norville bee a leader in this fast-growing market. Final paragraphGo for the close by stating your intent to call for an appointment. Take the initiative and state when you will follow up the letter with a phone call. If you are responding to an advertisement that asks for salary requirements, give a range instead of a specific number. Example:Recognizing that your schedule must be quite hectic, I will call you on Thursday to see if we can arrange a time to meet. Thank you for your interest in my request. ClosingPlace the closing two lines beneath the body of the letter, flush left. Use Sincerely as a salutation. Four lines underneath the salutation, type out your full name with middle initial. Sign your name in black ink. Be sure to type Enc: resum as your enclosure line. FormattingBody text should be in a standard font (example: Times New Roman, 12 point). Use italics only to highlight. Do not underline and bold the same text. Paper and envelopes20 lb. bond is acceptable for most letters. Paper and envelopes should match resum. Color should be conservative, such as white or ivory.


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