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[美国毕业生起薪人均下降]Those who are graduating in the spring and land a job will see erage starting salary offers fall 1.7% from last year to $47,673, according to the National Assoc...+阅读

Invitations in the US 美国习俗

A party invitation can turn into a nightmare if you don't know the customs and do not know how to act properly in a gathering. Don't worry! We will tell you something about American parties and how to get ready for them. 收到聚会邀请,不清楚聚会礼仪的你不必心焦,实用小贴士即刻奉上。


If nothing else, people may want to show off their house. 如果(请客)不是为了其它原因,人们可能是想炫耀一下自己的房子。

After hing spent a huge amount of time and money in fixing up the place, I think it's nice to he people e and admire the results. 在投入了大量的时间和金钱装修房子之后,请别人来欣赏一下装修结果还是不错的。

You needn't say yes or no on the spot, but you should provide an answer as soon as possible. 你不用立即接受或拒绝,但是应该尽快答复。

If the party includes business associates, a suit is more likely to be in order. 如果聚会有业务合伙人参加,穿西服会更合适一些。

Among good friends, there 's less dressing up. 好友们的聚会上,不用那么盛装打扮。


Q:Why do people hold parties?


1. There doesn't he to be a particular reason for a party.

2. According to a Chinese visitor to the US, people seldom he a very good time at American parties.

3. Sometimes people invite you to parties just because they want to impress you with and display their house.

Q:What are the customs of responding to an invitation?

A:When you receive an invitation by telephone, you should respond to it on the spot.

Q:Whom can one bring if he/she is invited to a party?


1. If you are married and he children, you can't necessarily bring your spouse and children to a party if you are invited.

2. You should never bring a guest that is not expected.

Q:What should one wear to attend parties?


1. One needs to wear suit if the party includes business associates.

2. In a party for good friends, there will be less dressing up.

3. In a party for old classmates, it is proper for gentlemen to wear sweaters and slacks.

4. Older people may choose to wear suits and dresses to their friends' parties.

5. For women, dressy pants with a blouse fit at all kinds of parties in the US.

6. In the US, pants are considered less graceful and formal than a skirt.

7. You can ask the hosts directly if you he no idea about what to wear.


When you receive an invitation, you don't he to say yes or no immediately, but you should give an answer as soon as possible. Make sure you know the time and place of the party. Make sure you express pleasure or thanks to the host. If you are married or live with someone, you can bring him/her with you as long as your host knows that you he a spouse or partner. If the party includes business associates, a suit will be proper. If the party is just for friends, you don't need to dress formally.


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