

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Ive recently got a new boss who differs from the old one in what he wears. He has abandoned suits in four of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie. My team mates he stopped wearing ties as well and are in chinos and open-necked shirts. I object to this as:


a) they look terrible; b) they are guilty of brown-nosing; and c) my suits are expensive and I like wearing them. So far I am sticking to my guns, but increasingly I feel that I stick out from the others. Does this matter?






Yes, it does matter. All offices he uniforms, just as all schools do. In some schools the uniform is so strict that you get a detention if your tie knot is too loose. In others there is no stated uniform but every pupil knows that the dress stakes are high: they are judged not just by their brand of sweatpants but by precisely how low-slung they are.


Your old boss wisely insisted on a strict uniform, which was easy as everyone knew what to wear and, as long as their suits werent too ill-fitting, everyone could look relatively nice. Your new boss has swept away the old code by breaking it himself. But that doesnt mean he has eliminated rules. There are rules, only they are harder to read.


Your colleagues he decided to take no risks in simply dressing like him. I can quite believe they look horrible - business casual is a hideous phrase for a hideous look. But I dont agree that they are sucking up. They are just belonging, which is what success in offices is all about.


Your boss wont be looking at their chinos and thinking: great trousers, great chap, I want to promote him. Instead he wont be thinking about their chinos at all, which is what one wants. If, by contrast, you continue in the old uniform, your suits bee a statement. They say that you are conservative, formal and a stickler.


Possibly this is your image, and it works for you. If you can make a virtue of difference, stick with it. Otherwise I would go out and buy the nicest smart casual clothes you can find.


Keep your suits, though. I predict that the pendulum is about to swing back. In fact this new boss of yours is a couple of seasons behind the fashion. I bet the next boss will bring back strict uniform as the first thing he does.



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