[园艺专业学士的自我介绍]本站的ZMR小编就为大家整理了以下一篇优秀的园艺专业的学士的自我介绍范文,仅供参考: 我是一位华南热带农业大学200*届本站,主修园艺专业,将于200*年7月毕业并取得农业学士学位...+阅读
摘要:In survey of the Class of 2006, engineers still get top salary offers, but accounting and finance majors are climbing quickly.一份2006年毕业生调查报告显示:工程学专业的毕业生薪水仍位居各专业之首,财会专业和金融专业薪水增长较快。
In survey of the Class of 2006, engineers still get top salary offers, but accounting and finance majors are climbing quickly.
So far this academic year, college seniors in most majors are experiencing an increase in starting-salary offers, according to a quarterly survey published by the National Association of Colleges Employers (NACE).
By and large , the erage salary increases employers offered to new college graduates were respectable, and some were standouts, Marilyn Mackes, executive director of NACE said in a statement.
Topping the list of highest-paid majors were chemical engineers who fetched 55,900 on erage, followed by electrical engineering degrees at 52,899. Despite taking a 0.3 percent dip pared to the 2004-2005 academic year, mechanical engineers took third place with an erage salary of 50,672.
The survey, which polled 83 different private and public schools across the country, revealed that puter science graduates might not get as much as they did in previous years, as offers fell slightly to 50,046.
Accounting and economics or finance experienced the biggest growth, claiming the fifth and sixth spots, and rounding out the list, in order, were civil engineering, management and marketing.
Liberal arts majors, which included both natural and social science majors such as history and english, finished last with a starting salary of 30,828, but experienced an increase of 6.1 percent pared to last year.
NACEs newest survey, also noted that employers planned to hire 14.5 percent more college grads this year, pared to the 2004-2005 academic year.
Terri LaMarco, the associate director of the University of Michigans career center, said that NACEs forecast matches up with what she is seeing on campus so far this year.
Recruiting activity is up and job fair attendance (by employers) has certainly increased, said LaMarco.
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