

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. Please respond to this conditional offer before May.15th if you accept it.


2. On the condition that you hand in the medical check, you can be prepared to sign the contract on May. 22nd.


3. This offer will be valid upon your passing the legal procedure from former employer.

此offer 在你与上家公司完成法定离职手续后生效。

4. You should include envelope of the copies of your citizen ID, your highest school record, your ICBC account ID and a copy of your one-inch photo.


5. Your position will be sales manager, and this position will be report to the district manager.


6. Annual bonus includes two parts, the fixed bonus and variable bonus.


7. The pany will withdraw your individual ine tax from your monthly payroll.


8. You may be required to be relocated to other districts of JK according to the needs of pany.


9. HR will request you to update your personal data regularly. Further notice will be sent to division respectively.


10. its our panys policy to reimburse the expense incurred in your trel and entertainment authorized by pany.



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