

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


The Donkey and the Statue

A donkey was once chosen to carry a holy statue through the town.Crowds of peoplle came from all over the countryside to see the procession.They lined both sides of thee street,pushing and jostling to get nearer to the front.As the donkey went pass all the people bowen down to pray to the statue.some of them reached out their hands to touch it;others knelt down on their knees bu the roadd in front of it.The donkey began to feel he was ery impoutant animal.

'Fancy all these people showing me so much respect.'he thought,'I never knew I was so powerful.To think that all thes time I he been doing everything my master toldd me.' He decided to try out his power.

'I really don't feel like walking any further,'he said to himself.'I'lljust stannd here for a while and let the people admire me.'And he refused to take another step.The wack1A sharp blow fell on his back.

'Get along with you,'hissed his master angrily.'What do you mean by holding up the procession like this/'

'All in good time.'replied the donkey grandly.'I am just giving these good people a chance to look at me.'His master began to laugh loudly.


1.Summarize the story within 50 words by using at least 8 key words from the passsage.

2.Why did this master laugh/

3.What do you learn from this story/And how to utilize in your life/


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