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德尔福软件方向的笔试题1.How do you code an infinite loop in C?2. Volatile:a) What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an exampleb) Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an examplec) Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example3. What are the values of a, b, and c after the following instructions:int a=5, b=7, c;c = a b;4, What do the following declarations mean?a) const int a;b) int const a;c) const int *a;d) int * const a;e) int const * a const;5. Which of the following statements describe the use of the keyword static?a) Within the body of a function: A static variable maintains its value between function revocationsb) Within a module: A static variable is accessible by all functions within that modulec) Within a module: A static function can only be called by other functions within that module6. Embedded systems always require the user to manipulate bits in registers or variables. Given an integer variable a, write two code fragments.The first should set bit 5 of a. The second shnuld clear bit 5 of a. In both cases, the remaining bits should be unmodified.7. What does the following function return?char foo(void){unsigned int a = 6;iht b = -20;char c;(a b 6)? (c=1): (c=0);return c;}8. What values are printed when the following C program is executed?int i = 8;void main(void)(9. What will be the output of the following C code?main(){int k, num= 30;k =(num 5? (num =10? 100:200): 500);printf(%d, k);}10. What will the following C code do?int *ptr;ptr =(int *)Ox67a9;ptr = Oxaa55;


发散思维类面试题发散思维类的面试题目怎么回答比较好呢? 发散思维又称辐射思维、放射思维、多向思维、扩散思维或求异思维,是指从一个目标出发,沿着各种不同的途径去思考。发散思维是创造性思...


2012年苏果面试题1.这个职务需要出差,你能适应吗? (可以,没问题) 2.苏果面试题:在纸上写了武汉二字,让我指出武汉周边其他城市所处位置?(瞎蒙,都错了) 3.为何辞职? 4.苏果面试题:如果公司派你去一个城...


2011年质检员笔试题以下是2011年质检员笔试题目,现分享给大家练习练习。一章 概述 1、国家验收标准:一个标准、16个规范(P9+建筑节能验收规范) 2、省验收及控制标准:住宅工程控制标准、建筑节能验收...

税法类笔试题以下分享是笔试题目是与税法有关的,大家敬请阅读: 税法类: 不能转嫁的税的类型 矿石进口需缴税(关税,增值税) 增值税一般纳税人符合的条件 对于纳税人的要求(在中国境内有住所或者...


6道经典英文面试题6道经典英文面试题 First One: Work experience work experience is the type of work youve done in the past. If you hent started working yet you can say Right now I...

浪潮软件研发笔试今天下午2点小编我到浪潮去参加了笔试,笔试前填写了一份浪潮的职位申请表,很多与我简历中的内容都重复,所以填写的有些不耐烦,后面几项还有点意思。 是否可以外驻:可以 是否服从...
