

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com



1. write down the 7 types of exception and vector address of ARM.

2. Briefly describe the signals(TRST&emsp, TCK, TMS,TDI,TDO) of JTAG.

3.What is the instruction for switching the ARM processor to excute Thumb


4. describe x86 PCs architecture in a diagram

cpu,core chipset, Cache,DRAM, IO-subsystem, IO-Bus

5. SWI instruction is often called a "supervisor call",describe the actions

in detail

a. Se the address of the instruction after the SWI in rl4_svc.

b. Se the CPSR in SPSR_svc.

c. Enter supervisor mode and disable IRQs.

d. Set the PC to 08 and begin executing the instruction there.

6.a. What is PIO operation? advantage and disadvantage?

b. DMA operation? advantage and disadvantage?

c. Scatter/Gather DMA engine? how does it operate?

7. MP3 decoder related.(a flow chart of decoding is present


a. advantages of Huffman encoding?

b. why the aliasing reduction is necessary?

c. analytical expression in mathematics of the IMDCT?

d. which block in the flow chart is suitable for the software implementation

and which for the hardware? reason?

8. Assembly codes ->C language (about 15 lines).

1, 三组程序,找出错误,如果有的话.

1>a.c long temp[255];

b.c extern *temp;

2>a.c long temp[255];

b.c extern temp[256];

3>a.c long temp[255];

b.c extern temp[];

2, 在第一个声明处编译出了奇怪的错误,为什么?


&emspinclude "myfun1.h"

&emspinclude "myfun2.h"

int myInt1;

int myInt2;

3, printf("0x%x", ( 请问打印了什么?

4, &emspdefine offset(s,c) 同intel的题.

5, 汇编,用ax,bx,cx,dx, 求1000*1000/30

(四舍五入), 结果放在ax中.

6, 编最优化Bubble(int *pIntArray,int L),要求:交换元素不能用临时变量,如果有序,需


7, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9从栈里出来的可能性. (略)

8, 求一个struct的sizeof.(略)


9. Graduation thesis deion.


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