

12月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[比亚迪笔试完整版]3.1招聘会投简历,3.2收到笔试通知3.3去闵行笔试。(他们的动作还是挺快的)。笔试一共分为三个部分。思维能力测试25分钟,英语能力测试25分钟,性格测试10分钟共一小时。 思维能力...+阅读

1.____ crumbles readily when exposed to a moist, acid atmosphere, but the stone is durable in a dry atmosphere.

A. The surface of marble is B. The surface of marble, which C. Although the surface of marble D. The surface of marble

2. Almost ____ substances expand in volume when heated and contract when cooled.

A.all B.they all C.all of D.all are

3. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became ____ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.

A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first woman conductor

C. the woman was first conducting D. the woman conducts first

4. ____ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, engineers are creating exotic new metallic substances.

A. Meet B. Being met at C. To meet D. They are meeting

Part II Translation

Only last week the bank had discovered nearly a thousand dollars in counterfeit bills, source unknown. Their estimate was that thirty million dollars of bogus money had been produced the previous year. England and Canada were major supply sources of spurious U.S. currency.

Part IV Writing

There are more and more vehicles in front of your houses, which is very dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. Besides, many gardens have to make way to highways or expressways. How can we make everyone satisfied?


比亚迪笔试题目总结比亚迪笔试题目总结 今天去了比亚迪的笔试。 3.1招聘会投简历,3.2收到笔试通知3.3去闵行笔试。(他们的动作还是挺快的)。笔试一共分为三个部分。思维能力测试25分钟,英语能力测...

比亚迪笔试题目完整版3.1招聘会投简历,3.2收到笔试通知3.3去闵行笔试。(他们的动作还是挺快的)。笔试一共分为三个部分。思维能力测试25分钟,英语能力测试25分钟,性格测试10分钟共一小时。 思维能力测...

比亚迪的笔试经历比亚迪的笔试 3.1招聘会投简历,3.2收到笔试通知3.3去闵行笔试。(他们的动作还是挺快的)。笔试一共分为三个部分。思维能力测试25分钟,英语能力测试25分钟,性格测试10分钟共一小时...


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比亚迪笔试经验去参加了比亚迪的笔试。 招聘会投简历,第二天收到笔试通知第三天去闵行笔试。(他们的动作还是挺快的)。笔试一共分为三个部分。思维能力测试25分钟,英语能力测试25分钟,性格测...

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比亚迪招聘大学生笔试都考些什么内容啊??比亚迪笔试题目总结思维能力测试 包括几个部分,有数字推理题、阅读题、逻辑题、图形推理,有几道题目跟网上的一样,记得几道题: 0、6、24、60、 120、(210), 12、23、35、48、62、(7...
