

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com



1. Select ONE of the following projects to discuss:

a. Signal Filtering: You are given a sampled realtime weform consisting

of a sensor reading mixed with highly periodic impulses and high frequency noi

se.The desired output is the realtime filtered sensor signal with the impulses

and noise removed, and a readout of the impulse period. The FFT may not be us


b. Interrupt Processing.A headware register consisting of eight independen

t edge triggered latches is used to record external asynchronous interrupt req

uests. When any of the request bits are latched, a software interrupt is gener

ated. The software may read the latch to see which interrupt(s) occurred. Writ

ing a one to any latch bit will clear the latch. How does that software assure

that no interrupt request is ever missed?

c. User Interface: a prototype MP3 player interface consisting of a playli

st display and a few control buttons is given to you. How would you make the i

nterface skinnable,with user selected graphics, options, and control butto

n placement?

Each project deion is inplete. What questions would you ask to co

mpletely specify the project? What development tools would you prefer to use?

What algorithm /data structures/design would you use?

2. What program(s) he you coded for you own enjoyment (not part of a sch

ool project,not for pay). What type of software project would you most enjoy w

orking on?

3. He you participated in a team programming project? What is the hardes

t part of programming as a team, as opposed to programming alone?


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