

07月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文简历 100分]Resume Name: Address: Xiejiawan, Shapingba District, Chongqing Province Tel: Objective To obtain a challenging position as a Sales assistant Education 2005.9 to...+阅读



1) 要用点句(bullet point),避免用大段文字。中国人在写简历时往往会走两个极端,一是过于简单,只有哪年哪月在哪工作,蜻蜓点水,具体内容一点都没有;二是过于复杂,大段描写,洋洋洒洒说了半页纸,却让人摸不着所以然。

2) 点句的长度以一行为宜,最多不要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳,最多不超过八句。一位美国的招聘经理曾对我说,一般只重点看前三句,超过八句之后的百分之百不看。

3) 点句以动词开始。目前的工作用一般现在时,以前工作用过去时。这里特别给大家说明两个简历中热门词汇的用法。Market不完全是指sell,要比sell更丰富一些。Market可作动词,即market后接名词也是可以的。这种写法会显得工作更具有管理性质,档次也要更高一些。Conduct后面要加名词,如conducted research on something,这里conduct相当于中文中的"做"。

4) 主要职责与主要成就,谁先谁后?有人认为应把主要职责放在前面,因为别人一看就知道你在做什么。其实这种写法较适合初级工作以及开创性不强的工作。若是较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把主要成就写在前面,因为别人看的就是您的工作业绩。所以不能一概而论地断定谁先谁后。

5) 工作成就要数字化,精确化,避免使用many, a lot of, some, several等模糊的词汇,应尽量使用具体的数字,到底管理了多少人,销售额是多少等等。

6) 在同一公司的业绩中,不必拘泥于时间顺序,而应秉持"重要优先"的原则。例如,在成就里可先写最重要的成就;在职责里可先写最高的职位,不要拘泥于倒序或正序的方法。关键是要使雇主在短短几秒钟之内就发现您的最高卖点。

7) 接受培训的内容可放在每个公司的后面。我们认为培训是公司内部的,与公司业务有关,不是Education的一部分。


从2011-5到2011-7 民生银行 客户经理助理From 2011 to 2011-5 July minsheng bank customer manager assistant电话营销,推销其最新的理财产品并成功约见客户办理金卡企业走访,讲解民生银行尚商贷通第三方存管,到中航证券公司驻点引导客户或企业办理符合自身要的业务 The telephone marketing, marketing its latest financial products and successfully appointment with a client for the gold cardEnterprise visit, the explanation is business loans the bank of the people's livelihoodThe third party to save tube, catic securities company stationary pointLead customers or enterprise for consistent with their own requirements of the business从2011-2到2011-3 上海渤海证券公司 市场部营销,推销其"滨海一号民生价值集合资产管理计划"From 2011 to 2011-2 3 Shanghai securities company marketing bohai seaMarketing, marketing its "coastal number one people's livelihood value set asset management plan"2010/11 上海市高校体育阳光大赛 代表本校参加高校体育阳光大赛,并取得二等奖2009/4 上海科技馆志愿者 安排参观人员的进场 带领参观人员参观与说明2010/11 Shanghai university sports contest in the sunshine on behalf of college sports competition, and to have the second prize2009/4 Shanghai science and technology museum visitors entering the arena of volunteers arrangement with the personnel to visit and introduction


1: I Chinese Language and Literature, Japanese minor. In English, a better advantage. 2: familiar with the operation of the shipping and maritime logistics operation process. 3: proficient in office productivity software operating system 4: good Chinese writing, I love literature, the National Middle School students had access to an essay contest Third Honors, University School of Literature and Social newsroom minister, has published many articles in the newspaper on entries. 5: The main imports were expected to arrange insurance claims and so on. Processes such as: to buy goods from overseas expected - for delivery warehousing - Input cargo information - the car - at customs - to plant discharge. Damaged goods for insurance claims. Great work, I carefully cautious, rarely any mistakes. 6: primarily responsible for maritime export operations: customer instructions - Booking - send trailers - counter to drag boxes - also re counters - declarations - loading - issued a bill of lading - Development votes to shipping companies.


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