

07月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[150字小学毕业感言]150字小学毕业感言范文一: 一年又一年,风风雨雨;一日又一日,日起日落,母校的厚爱渗入我的心底。昨日,我在这儿认字写作;今日,我在这儿茁壮成长;明日,我将从这儿起飞,塑造光辉亮丽的...+阅读


The Old Summer Palace which is also known as the Ruins of the Old Summer Palace or the Garden of Perfection and Light is located northwest of Beijing and to the east of the Summer Palace. The Garden was first constructed in the year of 1709 during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty . Over the next 150 years of the Qing Dynasty, this Garden was expanded to be a large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden, covering a total area of 350 hectares。Generally speaking, the Old Summer Palace consists of three parts - The Old Summer Palace, Wanchunyuan (the Garden of Blossoming Spring) and Changchunyuan (the Garden of Eternal Spring). These three gardens are often referred to as one common name: The Old Summer Palace. There are hundreds of scenic spots in the Garden. Indeed, it embodies the essence of Chinese ancient landscape gardening.The tragedy of The Old Summer Palace destroyed, was the symbol of Chinese national humiliation, the rebirth of the Old Summer Palace, has come to the point that the nation will continue to be unyielding, increasingly prosperous.


The Summer Palace or Yiheyuan (Traditional Chinese: 颐和园; Simplified Chinese: 颐和园; pinyin: Yíhé Yuán; literally "Garden of Nurtured Harmony") is a palace in Beijing, China. The Summer Palace is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill (60 meters high) and the Kunming Lake. It covers an expanse of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water. In its compact 70,000 square metres of building space, one finds a variety of palaces, gardens, and other classical-style architectural structures.The Summer Palace started out life as the Garden of Clear Ripples (Traditional Chinese: 清漪园; Simplified Chinese: 清漪园; pinyin: Qīngyī Yuán) in 1750 (Reign Year 15 of Emperor Qianlong). Artisans reproduced the garden architecture styles of various palaces in China. Kunming Lake was created by extending an existing body of water to imitate the West Lake in Hangzhou. The palace complex suffered two major attacks--during the Anglo-French allied invasion of 1860 (with the Old Summer Palace also ransacked at the same time), and during the Boxer Rebellion, in an attack by the eight allied powers in 1900. The garden survived and was rebuilt in 1886 and 1902. In 1888, it was given the current name, Yihe Yuan. It served as a summer resort for Empress Dowager Cixi, who diverted 30 million taels of silver, said to be originally designated for the Chinese navy (Beiyang Fleet), into the reconstruction and enlargement of the Summer Palace.In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace an "outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese landscape garden design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole." It is a popular tourist destination but also serves as a recreational park.


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