

08月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于就业的英语句子]关于就业的英语句子 1、Do one thing, to be a thing. If still struggling careless, will not do a thing. 做一件事,就要当一件事。若还苟且粗疏,定不成一件事。 2、Youth...+阅读


国庆: National DayExamples:1. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。 October first is the National Day of China.2. 国庆节就要到来了。 National Day was approaching.3. 今年国庆节刚好是星期日。 National Day falls on a Sunday this year.4. 7月14日被宣布为他们的国庆。 July14 was declared their National Day.国庆游行China's National Day parade国营企业国庆日国民警卫队[美]a national enterprise我们放假一日以庆祝国庆。We commemorated the founding of our Nation with a public holiday.七月四日是美国国庆日。The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA.7月14日被宣布为他们的国庆。July14was declared their National Day.今天我们庆祝国家独立节,这是国庆日。Today we celebrate our day of independence.It's a national holiday.今天我们庆祝国家独立节,这是国庆日。Today we celebrate our day of independence.It's a National holiday.为庆祝国庆,所有的公园都己装饰一新。

All the parks have been spruced up for Nationals Day.巴士底日(7月14日,法国国庆日,1789年于该日攻破巴士底狱)Bastil(l)e Day...


National Day is the symbol of china, It is on October 1, 1949, the anniversary of the new China was founded.Reflect the country's constitution and form of government. Since 1950, every October 1, will become the people of all ethnic groups grand holiday.Since 1999, the National Day is the mainland of China's "golden week" holidays. National Day of legal vacation time for three days, then two weekend before and after adjustment for vacation together in 7 days. National Day each year, have a different form of celebration activities, strengthen people's patriotic consciousness, and it is also the children and adults' happy holidays.


The Chinese people's political consultative conference first national committee on first meeting, XuAnPing spokesman said: "MaXuLun members leave me, he can't come, in the People's Republic of China founded, due to the National Day, so the decision on October 1, as the National Day. MAO said. "we should make a proposal to the government, by the government, the decision." On October 2, 1949, the central people's government of the People's Republic of China by about the resolution of the national regulations, October 1, every day, and for that day as declared by the republic of China was founded. Since then, the annual October 1, will become the people of all ethnic groups was celebrating the festival. 楼下的垃圾们 不要抄我的啊。...


The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it's been 67 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. And schools ,companys,industry usually gives their studens or workforce ,workers a 7-day holiday.



要关于毕业的日志或文章明天,我们毕业 一想到明天,就要告别美丽的校园,告别朝夕相处的老师和同学,心中就涌起了深深的眷恋之情。我还清楚的记得,六年前,我们依偎着爸爸妈妈,怀着对学校的憧憬,对老师的敬仰...

关于圣诞节或新年的ppt下周要做英语presentation谢谢了!Christmas, annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate...

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关于国庆节的英语介绍National Day is the symbol of china, It is on October 1, 1949, the anniversary of the new China was founded.Reflect the country's constitution and form of gover...

翻译够了吗满足了吗或推荐你的英语励志句子The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” 最难的却又是最令人惊叹的,是放弃做...

写怀念校园或者关于毕业的词语或句子毕业了,想笑就笑,想哭就哭。不要因为世界虚伪,也变得虚伪了。 不说再见,我们后会有期。 毕业,青春散场了。 当我坐在毕业典礼的会场上,一瞬间竟有落泪的冲动,有些复杂的滋味涌上心...

关于毕业离别的优美句子有关离别的伤感句子关于离别的英语句子光阴似箭,一转眼,6年的同窗生涯已成为过去。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔跑矫健的身影。这里的草坪、小溪、竹亭,是我们永远依恋的百草园。 毕业了,多么...

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