

08月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语应届生个人简历]基本信息 个人相片 姓 名: 性 别: 女 民 族: 汉族 出生年月: 1986年8月20日 证件号码: 婚姻状况: 未婚 身 高: 162cm 体 重: 47kg 户 籍: 四川其他 现所在地: 四川绵阳 毕业学校: 西南...+阅读


杜绝机译,请楼主费心审阅。 作为一名即将踏入职业岗位的应届毕业生,四年的大学生涯,铸就了我稳重,自信与不怕苦难挫折的性格;As a graduating student who is about to enter a professional position, four-year college life has molded my character that features poise, self-confident and not afraid of suffering setback;通过参与大学各部门的工作,练就了我严谨的工作作风与扎实的工作态度。Through my participation in the work of various departments of the University I have tempered my strict style of work and solid work attitude. 怀揣着对教育的无限憧憬与热爱,我从小立志做一位优秀的英语教师。Cherishing the infinite vision and love to education I was determined to be a good teacher from my childhood.虽不是师范类应届生,但我积极考取教师证,虚心学习优秀老师的教育方式方法。

Although I am not a graduating student of Normal university, I actively obtain the teacher certificate, and learn the education means and methods from excellent teachers with modest attitude. 坚信凭借我的勤奋与刻苦,凭借着我的自信心与亲和力,必能成为一位合格的园丁,必可将知识传递给每一位未来的希望!I firmly believe that with my diligence and hard work, and by virtue of my self-confidence and charm, I will certainly be able to become a qualified gardener and pass knowledge to every one who will be our future hope!


I enrolled in the school in September 2012 and will graduate in June 2015. I am in university and I have yet to find out what I would like to do in the future.

My hobby is playing soccer, surfing the internet and reading books. Playing soccer keeps me fit and teaches me about team work. Surfing the net is a means of keeping myself updated with the latest news and also to engage in social networking services like weibo. I love reading books and I visit the library very often.

My purpose in life is to serve people and to make people feel good about themselves.


Position: F-G Born: May 24, 1979 Height: 6-8 / 2,03 Weight: 210 lbs. / 95,3 kg. High School : Mount Zion Christian Acad. HS (NC) '97 Ranked sixth in NBA scoring in 2004-05 with 25.7 ppg 2005 All-NBA Third Team Five-time NBA All-Star (2001-05) Finished the 02-03 campaign as the NBA scoring champion and averaged more than 30 points per game. He became the youngest player to average 30-plus points per game since the NBA/ABA merger in 1976-77 and the youngest since Bob McAdoo (34.5 ppg) back in 1974-75. Voted a starter at the 2001 and 2003 NBA All-Star Games Dished out a career-best 13 assists @ Philadelphia on March 17 and recorded a career-high six steals vs. Denver on March 15 Captured the NBA's Most Improved Player Award and was named to the All-NBA First Team in the 01-02 and 02-03 seasons Tied a franchise playoff record with 42 points during Game #3 on 04/28/01 vs. Milwaukee Recorded a rookie season-high 22 points and 8 rebounds against the New Jersey Nets on 2/13/98 Scored 9 points, in 10 minutes, in the Schick Rookie Game during the 1998 NBA All-Star Weekend in New York Made his first career NBA start, totaling 13 points and 5 rebounds, against the Washington Wizards on 12/31/97 Made his NBA debut against the Miami Heat on 10/31/97 Named the USA Today Player of the Year and the North Carolina state Player of the Year by The Associated Press after his senior year at Mount Zion Christian Academy


嗯··· 我也是前段时间写的自己的CV~这个是在国外找工作很必备的材料·· CV的内容尽量详细·· 可以大概从这几方面写: 首先是你的基本情况,姓名,性别,电话,邮箱,地址 其次是关于你的教育情况,一般就写2个层次,(因为太多的话,会显得很繁琐,CV一定要简明扼要,但是又能让人了解你的基本情况~),如果你是本科毕业的话,你就写你的高中和本科,研究生的话,就写你的本科教育和研究生教育··依次类推 然后就是你的工作经验,有就写,没有就不要写,cv上的内容一定要真实,不要为了去找工作而去作假··否则,后果是比较严重的。 再次可以写一下你拥有的技术,你的爱好~ 最后,写reference,一般就写refrence availble on request~ 希望你能满意哟~


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应届生求职个人简历怎么写怎么写,其实很简单 1,个人基本情况:像身高、体重、电话、籍贯什么的,职位要求就免了,是单位选你!参加过的一些社会活动写写可以,最好跟你找的工作有点关系。 2,职称什么的不用写了,大...

应届生简历怎么写个人简历可以是表格的形式,也可以是其他形式。个人简历一般应包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)个人资料:姓名、性别、出生年月、家庭地址、政治面貌、婚姻状况,身体状况,兴趣、爱好、性...

