

08月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[房地产开发策划主管个人英文简历写作样本]2006/09- present: *** pany Industry: intermediary services Development of real estate development / planning director / missioner Main duties: Beijing is respon...+阅读


Real estate. Industrial Park

Garden-style community of Green Industrial Park

Unique to 250,000 square meters area in 2000 after the success of the SAR out of print large industrial park;

Unique, 200,000 square meters plant and 100,000 square meters of commercial life of all facilities used high-grade culture stone, marble and packaging.

Self-contained, supporting a full range of an independent kingdom,

Away from the noise, making the city the edge of paradise.


您是想租房吗?hello, this is real estate agency, can i help you?

租两居的还是三居的?would you like a two-bedroom one or a three bedroom one?

面积需大概是多大?what's your request for the space?

价钱方面最高能承受到多少?what's your maximal offer?您想租多长时间呢?

您对房子的朝向有要吗?would you like your house to face the sun?

您方便留下电话号码吗,我们有合适的房子好和您联系。please leave your number and we'll contract you once we find the proper house for you.


My House

We have just moved into a new flat,like most people here living in their houses in the suburbs. Our house is big though it consists only two floors.

On the first floor there is the dining room, the lounge or sitting room, the kitchen and the hall. In the hall we set a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. A staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the second floor; On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory.

In front of the house we have a small garden in which we grow flowers: roses,tulips and some fruit trees. Thereis also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as cabbages, cauliflowers, and tomatoes. We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower.

At the side of the house is a garage. We haven't got a car up to now, but my moths said: we'd have one at the end of this year. People ,in this high-consumer city are very rich, not like the people live in the inland,cities.


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