
谁有The Pilgrims Progress天路历程的英文简介

09月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[the Production Artist cover le]Jerry Chen No.23 Shuangqing Street Haidian Dist., Beijing 100084 Franc Cao Copy Supervisor Ogilvy Mather No.315 Chaoyang Avenue Dear Mr. Cao: I am very interest...+阅读

谁有The Pilgrims Progress天路历程的英文简介

Bunyan began the work while in the Bedfordshire county gaol for violations of the Conventicle Act, which prohibited the holding of religious services outside the auspices of the established Church of England. Early Bunyan scholars like John Brown believed The Pilgrim's Progress was begun in Bunyan's second shorter imprisonment for six months in 1675,[2] but more recent scholars like Roger Sharrock believe that it was begun during Bunyan's initial, more lengthy imprisonment from 1660-1672 right after he had written his spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.[3]The English text comprises 108,260 words and is divided into two parts, each reading as a continuous narrative with no chapter divisions. After the first edition of the first part in 1678, an expanded edition, with additions written after Bunyan was freed, appeared in 1679. The Second Part appeared in 1684. There were eleven editions of the first part in John Bunyan's lifetime, published in successive years from 1678 to 1685 and in 1688, and there were two editions of the second part, published in 1684 and 1686.




迪士尼动画电影 Tarzan的英文说明

Tarzan In an African jungle, Tarzan learned to swing from the trees like a monkey. But Tarzan could also do things that none of the gorrillas in his family could do. He could swing the hippos. And he could make things with his hands-like a spear that was as sharp as a rhino's horn. Tarzan wondered why he was so different. One day when Tarzan was wrestling with his best friend , Terk, the two tumbled from the nesting grounds. Suddenly, a leopard jumped into the clearing! It was Sabor, the gorrilla's worst enemy.Quickly Tarzan and Terk ran back to the nesting grounds, with Sabor close behind. "Roar!" Kerchak, the great gorrilla leader, beat his chest. Protecting his family, Kerchak threw Sabor, but the leopard attacked again. His sharp teeth injured the great gorrilla. Kerchak fell to the ground. He could not get up. Terrified , the gorrilas watched from the trees as the leopard moved in for the kill. But just then , as Sabor leaped as Kerchak, Tarzan swung down on a vine. With his feet, Tarzan knocked Sabor backward. Now the leopard was furious! Snarling and growling, Sabor faced Tarzan. Tazan had his spear ready and he lunged at Sabor. "Rrarooww!" screamed the leopard. The struggle continued as the two enemies scrambled up into the trees. With lighting speed they twisted and turned, jumped and flew. Sabor leaped down at Tarzan from above. With the handle of his spear, Tarzanfended off the cat and threw him from the branches. Bravely, Tarzan jumped from the tree to face Sabor again. The leopard lunged at him, Knocking th spearhead off Tarzan's weapon. As he dodged Sabor's claws, Tarzan saw the spearhead in some underbrush and dove for it. Sabor dove in after him. A hush fell ovor the gorrilla family. Terk watched and waited, fearing for her friend. Then, at last, Tarzan climbed out of the underbrush, holding Sabor's limp body. He let out a cry of victory. OOOO-ooo-oooo ah----ah---ah! cheered the gorrilla family, but Kerchak did not join them. The big gorrilla turned sadly and began to walk away. He felt he had failed to protect his family With a solemn face, Tarzan approached his leader Then he laid the leopard at Kerchak's feet as a sign of respect. As Kerchak looked at Tarzan, a new sound thundered through th jungle. Bang! bang! Gunshots blasted nearby. Quickly, kerchak ordered the gorrillas to retreat to safety. Tarzan started to move with them, then changed his mind. He was curious. Climbing high in the trees, he followed the new sound. What are these creatures? thought Tarzan, as he looked down at three humans. They did not look like animal he knew. He followed the one with the funny yellow fur. She was running after a young baboon. Pieces of paper fell from her hands Tarzan picked one up. It was a drawing of the baboon. Suddenly, Tarzan heard the strange yellow-fured creature yell. A group of angry baboons was chasing her! Swooping down on a vine, Tarzan grabbed the creature. They sailed through the jungle with the baboonsclose behind. The yellow animal kicked at the monkeys. She carried a strange sort of stick that opened . What an interresting weapon, thought Tarzan. Now he surfed along on the mossy branched of the highest trees. Baboons raced at them from all directions. Tarzan slid into a hollow trunk. The baboons slid in after them. Suddenly they were all falling, tumbling through the air. Ahhh! screamed the creature in Tarzna's arms, He held her with one hand and grabbed for a vine with the other. Tarzan struggled to hold on. Gently, he placed the creature safely on a tree branch. Baboonss fell past them, all but two. The young baboon and his mother floated down, using the creature's funny stick as a parachute. The young baboon wanted the piece of paper that was stuck to the creature's fur. Tarzan grabbed it and handed it to him. Then he turned to the animal that had caused all of the trouble. She was a funny-looking creature. Moving closer, Tarzan stared at her face. It was smooth like his. Their eyes looked the same. Tarzan was puzzled, he looked harder. The creature did not have fur, after all. Instead she was wearing fancy yellow cloth. He was surprised to see that she had two legs like his, with toes like his. Beneath the white material on her hands were long thin fingers. Tarzan put his own hand agaist hers. They were the same! Now Tarzan knew the truth. There were other creatures like him! "Tarzan", he grunted . pointing to himselff. "I'm Jane," said the girl. With wonder and joy, Tarzan took her hand. At last, he felt he had a place in the world. From "Disney's Adventure Stories".

Oscar Wilde的生平简介

Oscar Wilde (1856-1900), a famous English poet, dramatist and writer, English Literature in the history of aesthetic movement and the founder of one of the chief advocates of "art for art's sake", with a utilitarian object to color literature, that literature should not be By any moral standard disposable. He is also the decadent British literature. Wilde's father was a doctor and his mother was a poet, both high quality arts and culture, to exert an imperceptible influence on his inspiration in literature and arts. In the Oxford University student, Oscar Wilde by his teacher Ruskin (fairy tale "The River King," the authors), together with their own talent and began trying to create. The main achievements in the literary fairy tale, poetry, fiction, drama and so on, are representative of the fairy tale "The Happy Prince" and "Pomegranate House" novel "Road Linge Lei portrait", as well as the drama "Lady Windermere's Fan" and so on.


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