

09月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语自我说明小学]用英语自我说明小学,英语自我说明小学生:小学生用英语自我说明啊? my name is ....,I am ....years old. i like playing basketball and singing. my idol is ....because he...+阅读


The beautifule city--Chongqing In China,there is a very beautiful city,it is called Chongqing.It is one of the best place for people to visit. The Chongqing is situated in the southwest of continental China,on the coast of The Long River.So ti has the continental feature of China.because the city was built near the mountain,people call it "the mountain city".The area of the city is 82403 square kilometers,and it has a populatian of 31440000. The temperature of it is very warm,so it is a good place to live.The city also has many sightseeing and snacks such as 火锅and 酸辣汤(我忘了是么了,自己抄).The people are very enthusiastic and they are happy about our coming. After my discribing,do you learn something about the city?In all.the Chongqing is a good place.


April 24, 2010

My dear schoolmates,

We live together in the city of Nanjing, breathing the same air around. It is our duty to make our city cleaner and more beautiful.

Now our city is facing some serious problems. As more people own cars today, and this becomes a main cause of the air pollution. Waste water in our daily life makes the rivers smell. And we use too many things made of plastic. It's important for us to take actions to protect our city.

As a student, everyone can do many things to help. First, let's walk or ride bikes to school. Second, we should clean the rubbish in time and often keep open the doors and windows of the classroom. We can also put the rubbish into different parts to be used again. Third, we try to use paper bags instead of plastic bags while shopping. Finally, we should plant more trees and flowers around us.

My dear schoolmates, join us and do something now!Our city will look nice and beautiful if every one takes actions from now on.

Yours sincerely,

All students of Class 1, Grade 9










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