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[推荐信英文翻译]1, the workplace, the applicant XX into the company from 2002 have been for 7 years. 2, work a strong sense of responsibility, quick thinking, a sense of innova...+阅读


Dear University of Delhi: Yu-wide school students in my high school has successfully completed three years of study, all subjects have made outstanding achievements in the past three years, the student for each course are put into the same enthusiasm in learning to realistic, classroom enthusiastic to answer questions, make their own independent views, to explore the most suitable for their own learning methods, learning, analytical, problem-solving thinking. The students also paid great attention to improve their personal qualities, but also willing to help others, often to help students, and actively participated in various public schools in organizing activities in learning and various activities have played a leading role. Past three years, we have witnessed the students in my school Yu-wide moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, workers in all aspects of the growth and development. The student has passed the national entrance examination and made the university into taking notice, but from the school during the Sino-Indian cultural and economic development and exchange of care, concern, so we determined to go to University of Delhi, India's economy, the Sino-Indian the common development of both countries to make efforts, we are very sincere may recommend the student to your school studies.Huadian City, Jilin Province, the fourth Middle School。

Principal: July 30,2009


一封推荐信除了信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职务等必需部分之外,正文内容说明应包括下列各项: 被推荐者的签名——为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写“MrWang”或“MissZhang”是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。 认识被推荐者的时间(Howlonghaveyouknowhim/her)——何时开始认识,或认识了多久。 认识程度(Howwelldoyouknowhim/her)——是偶尔见面还是关系密切,或仅教过一年还是担任其导师。 与被推荐人的关系(Relationship)——师生关系,上、下级领导关系等。 被推荐人的表现(Performance)——学习上、生活上、课堂上和课外活动上的表现。 结论意见——愿意推荐或不愿意推荐,无保留或有所保留的推荐、普通推荐或极力推荐,必须明确,当然极力推荐为最好。

以上六项是任何一封推荐信所必须包括的,缺其中任意一项则都会失去函件应有的功能或会大大降低推荐的效果。 1



推荐信英文-推荐信英文英文推荐信 推荐信格式|推荐信怎么写|推荐信模板|推荐信范文 一篇近乎完美的推荐信对想要出国进修的学子来说是必不可少的,那么英文推荐信到底该怎么写呢?下面是为大家提供的英文推荐信范文,欢迎阅读。 英文推荐信

(一) DearSirorMadame, ItiswithgreatpleasurethatIwritetorecommendCourtneyAlexandertoyou.IhaveknownCourtneyforthepsttwoyearsandhavehadthepleasureofhavingherinmyUnitedStatesHistoryclassduringherjunior.Intheclassshewsoneofthemostoutstandingstudents.Atthesemesterfinalsheearnedhighgradeof91,whichshouldbeAaccordingtoourgradingsystem. Ialsofoundhergoodatotherstudies.Afterclasses,shehadpersonaltalkswithmemanytimes.Sheindicatedagreatinterestinteching.DuringthttimeIfoundhertobeabright,diligent,friendlyyounwoman.Besides,Courtneyisnotafraidofhardwork,andisateamplyer.Herabilitytoworkwithherclssmatesisaspecialqualitythatwillbenefitherasshemovesontothenextlevel.Throughouttheyear,sheworkedcooperativelywiththoseseatedaroundherinreviewingnotes,goingoverpossibleexaminationma


Dear Sir,Mr/Ms XXX was my undergraduate student in University of AAA, when I taught her/him Microeconomics and Macroeconomics in year 1. Hence, I have a fair understanding about her/him.My first encountered with xxx was in the Microeconomics lesson, xx was so focus of reading the economics periodicals during the break time, while the rest of fellow students were chit chatting. And I found out later that xx has a strong interest in economics and banking since high school days and started to read the financial stuff then.XX is diligent, mindful and raised very intellectual topics which I am very impressed. When I conducted the Macroeconomics class, it was then the financial crisis outbroke in USA in which it was affecting China too. XX showed a strong interest to find out more about the root cause of crisis, the ramification and how would such mishap would affect the rest of the world especially for China. XX has been following up with me about the crisis stuff and revealed that he would like to be an economist/professor in economics. In order to fulfill xx's strong urge in pursuing more knowledge, I guided xx's self study plan, xx was consistently completed the recommended topics with good grasped of knowledge.I reckon that xx has strong potential, and would be able to do well in her/his research area. Am sincerely hope that you can accept xx and to discover her/his hardworking, persistence and self reliance. As such, I recommend xx to be the graduate student - master degree program.Thank you.


推荐信翻译成英文原发布者:jiqingyong1 推荐信英文-推荐信英文英文推荐信 推荐信格式|推荐信怎么写|推荐信模板|推荐信范文 一篇近乎完美的推荐信对想要出国进修的学子来说是必不可少的,那么英...

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