

10月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com



姓名: 性别:女 年龄:20 name : sex: female age:20民族:汉 政治面目:团员 race: han political landscape : a League member学历(学位):大学专科 专业:酒店管理 degree: Graduate of college major: hotel management联系电话: tel:联系地址: 邮编:mail address: mail number: Email Address: 教育背景 education experiences:毕业院校: School of graduation另:其他培训情况 PS: other training experiences有办公自动化证书 owning the certification of OA(office automatism) 熟悉应用计算机及其他各种办公软件 familiar with application of computer and other office softwares具有丰富的Internet经验 abundance of internet experience工作经历 working experiences:2006年9月---07年1月 Sep 2006------Jan--2007酒店服务员 Serving as hotel waitress得到酒店管理阶层的高度赞赏和物质奖励 Getting highly praise from the management echelon and material award本人性格 Personal characters开朗、自律、自信(根据本人情况)。

activity,self-discipline and self-confidence另: 最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!PS: the most important thing is the capability, and I believe that you will consider me as the most qualified candidate of the post 期盼与您的面谈!Looking foward to your interview...



Zhu yan fu



1998.9-2001.7 shulan NO.15 Middelschool.

2001.8-2002.7 shulan NO.1 Middelschool.

2002.9-2006.7 Dept.of German, Yanbian University of Science and Technology.

Academic Main Courses


German Culture German Pronunciation Practice German Conversation

German Composition( 1,2.3) English Grammar English Reading

German Translation German Practice

International Trade

Principles of Management Principles of Accounting Principles of Economics

Economy Writing Human Resource Management Chinese Economic Law

Introduction to Statistics


Korea Conversation Korea writing Korea Reading

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs; Chinese, English and German Typing

German and English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written German and passed German-4 Test.

Have a good command of both spoken and written English and passed Englisch-4 Test.

Scholarships and Awards

• 2003.9—2004.9 Tuition Scholarships from American

• 2005.9 Tuition Scholarship from American


• General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

• Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense

INTERESTS & HOBBIES: Literary writing, reading, participation in various conferences and colloquia, computers, cooking, movies, travel .



Name: 111, age 23, height 170cm phone number 0000000, e-mail 111 111 111 Marital Status: Single. Origin: Ningbo. Body: I graduated from Ningbo Polytechnic, mold design and manufacturing expertise. Study hard at school, also participated in the Student Union, a positive self-motivated, helpful, caring students. Won third prize in Ningbo City, NC car race, won the third prize. Inaugural intention: 1. CNC programming and operation, 2. EDM wire cutting, 3. Mold shape. Hope to your company. Yours sincerely! The best writing in the correct format for emergencies! ! ! ! ! ! !...


请高手翻译英文简历!急Profile Name: Li Ming Gender: Male Race: Han Birthplace: Guangdong Date of Birth: August 1980 Education: Undergraduate: Computer-aided design and manufacturing...

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会计英文简历帮忙翻译急!官方语言: Educational background: 2003 year in September - June, 2005 Tangku teachers take advanced courses school 2005 year in September - June, 2008 Tianjin fo...

个人简历翻译成英文急In school period is appointed is student association literary style department minister, squadron group cell secretary, the assistant squad leader, literary com...

简历翻译成英文急谢谢Professional introductionThe education system of archival science mainly archival science foundation knowledge and culture knowledge, master basic skills of mod...



日语个人简历急求翻译!日语个人简历急求翻译!翻译日语个人简历:日语的 私は理想的な人物を追求するとされる金色の光どこに光の性质を変えていないだろうと考えられて、私は非常に自分の仕事のモチ...

