

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[给一个美国小学的简介英文加100悬赏]公立小学 纽约位在寒带,所以冬天常有大风雪,扑面的雪花不但令人难以张开眼睛,甚至呼吸都会吞入冰冷的雪水。有时前天晚上还是一片晴朗,第二天拉开窗帘, 才发现已经积雪盈尺,连门都...+阅读


In monster units, large blame mike Sullivan and MAO blame the two brothers are inseparable companions. But things are not right from the first. In monster university, mike and Sullivan from see the first side cannot tolerate each other. But after a series of things, two people finally solve their differences and accept each other, and to the best of friends.

The monster university of concept map, the big eye son mike Sullivan and MAO blame step into big moment of campus gate, the students around them is full of all kinds of monsters. "Monster university" is the first time in 2001, pixar villain as the leading role of animated sequel to "the monster power unit, two of the much-loved monsters will be on the screen, please in time, and will be entered the university as a ? reading










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