

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[建筑专业技术人员求职信函]建筑专业技术人员求职信函 县人武部党委书记2006年述职报告 去年以来,我坚持以“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六大、十六届四中、五中全会精神为指导,认真贯彻落实党中央、国务...+阅读

Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for your order NO.DF-16 March 28 with which you he sent us your shipping instructions.The goods of your order are being manufactured for shipment. You informed us that you will arrange to open an irrevocable L/C in our four,valid until May 30 and we ask you to send it promptly. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested in accordance with your shipping instructions.We assure you that we will make plete shipment so that we can give you perfect satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 贵方3月28日寄来的DF-16号订单及其装船通知均已收到,至为感激。 贵方订购的产品正准备交运中。贵方通知我们将依我方意思开出一份5月30日前有效的不可撤销信用证,请贵方立即寄来。 信用证一到,本公司就依照贵方装船通知单上的要求立即包装启运。本公司向贵方保证,我们将作完整的装运,让贵方完全满意。 敬上


外贸信函的实例例一: 150 Kensington Road Brooklyn,New York 12②,N.Y.③ June 10 1985 例二: Established 1900 TELEPHONE:CHICAGO ENVELOPE PANY CABLE ADDRE SS: CALUMET 4251 2901-2917 INDIA...

拒绝买方出价信函Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your letter of October 6,We he given our careful consideration to your counter offer against our offer for woolen blanket.We are quite e...

开出信用证通知信函Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your price-list of March 15.We he now decided to place the enclosed order with you. We he asked the Bank of HongKong,here to open a credit...
