

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com


i am the professor and department head of art design in *** university. it’s the pleasure to remend my student ms. **, who is eager to continue her study overseas and pursue the master degree, her decision, of which, i am very approve.

if there’s an opportunity she can study in your university, i reckon she can perfectly plete the master degree courses in your university.

i he known ms.***for three years. as a student majored in art design, since year 2004 up to now, she’s been studying in our university as a top student, ranked number one, in specialized field, in university entry exam.

i he been teaching ms. *** required courses, for many years.

her love and concentration towards the art design deeply impressed me.

she’s full of inspiration and imagination in art design, acpanied by her unconventional works and thought, full of passion and endurance in specialized field at all times.

she studies very hard, with a strong adaptive capacity. the subjects that she studied include painting and drawing, design, design theory, artwork production, photography, various puter aided design tools, management and marketing, with the excellent academic performance.

due to her outstanding study, she was rewarded the first and second scholarship for many times, and ranked top one in her specialized field.

in addition, she is a student of prehensive interest, and open-minded to new things. besides the specialized field of her major, she has wide range of interest in literature, music and drama; positively participates in the culture and sports activities in university, and the winner in a petition of the stage drama.

ms. ** is a student, who is diligent to learn, and knows well how to learn. her unique learning ability and passion can be found during her study. it’s believed, unquestionably, she can be petent in the course study of your university. meantime, with the enlightenment of multiple culture and up-to-date concept of study, her talents will inevitably be demonstrated in no time.


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