

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[实习单位意见内容怎么写]1、该生在我公司实习期间表现优秀,严格遵守公司各项规章制度,对待工作认真负责,与同事相处融洽,为人谦逊、踏实、勤恳、能吃苦,受到我公司领导及同事的一致好评! 2、xxx同学在我...+阅读

The Office of Admissions

The Graduate School of Business

The University of Chicago

November 22, 1997

To whom it may concern:

I am pleased to offer this letter of reference for Miss Ja Jackson. In the past three years of our professional acquaintance, Ja has performed exceptionally well as an advertising professional. I he never had any reason to doubt her outstanding performance and excellent professionalism. She has done a wonderful job in the management of our advertising account with her pany , XXX Advertising. I am sure that the size of our account is one of the largest within her agency, and that her appointment to our particular account was a significant professional achievement.

First as an account executive and then account manager, Ja has exhibited exceptional interpersonal skills that are required in the often plicated issues that arise in the production of an advertising campaign. An excellent anizer, Ja has always relayed the concerns and requirements of the many departments involved in an advertising campaign. Coordination skills are a must in this industry, and she has performed exceedingly well in this area. The ability to municate and arrange the many tasks in this industry, she has always performed with maturity. I he witnessed her professional growth, from a young hard working junior member to one that is mature and confident in all her business dealings. I he never doubted her ability, in some instances, I he been rather impressed by her performance.

I believe that creativity is a must for all professionals who wish to succeed in the advertising industry. Ja has demonstrated this ability through the thoughtful and creative production of many innovative marketing campaigns. In one particular instance, she provided exceptional leadership in the development of one of XXXs advertising campaigns for Kellogg. This marketing campaign involved the creation of a recipe book to acpany one of our leading consumer products, YYY. I believe that this campaign very successfully promoted our product in the local Taiwan market.

I he been very happily associated with Ja professionally for the past three years. She has handled all the difficult challenges of the advertising industry with relative ease, and is an extremely pleasant person to deal with. I am confident that she will succeed in her future career in the advertising industry and also confident that her further academic pursuits will be met with similar success. Ja brings along a large amount of enthusiasm to every project. I believe that her colleagues he recognized the amount of hard work that she has contributed, and I am certain that many of her professional acquaintances he been equally impressed with her. I will miss her in the capacity of our account representative, yet I would like to wish her all the confidence in her pursuit in your excellent MBA program.


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2016最新实习生给实习单位感谢信您们好!我是一名普通的顶岗实习生。在这寒冷冬天里,我对您们的雪中送炭表示衷心感谢! 在我写这封感谢信时,不禁回忆起那个风雪交加的下午的一幕幕,感谢的心情抑制不住的汹涌澎...

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最新实习生给实习单位感谢信您们好!我是一名普通的顶岗实习生。在这寒冷冬天里,我对您们的雪中送炭表示衷心感谢! 在我写这封感谢信时,不禁回忆起那个风雪交加的下午的一幕幕,感谢的心情抑制不住的汹涌澎...

