
resume 英文简历模板

12月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com


My name is HIN RESUME. I was born on August 25, 1985, in Hengyang, Hunan Province. In 1990 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time. Since the enrollment I he pleted all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I he got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics.

I he been studying English intensively for six months. I he attended an English class taught by an American professor. Ms. Kathy Swift, from the City University of New York. According to her, within a few weeks of my arrival abroad, I should he no difficulty either in functioning on a daily basis or in participating fully in graduate studies.

Presently I am interested in applied mathematics and later I would like to do research in control theory. If I am accepted as a graduate student. I plan to stay for 2-5 years pursuing a Ph.d. degree. I am sure I would make progress in my future career.


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